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February 15th 2012|| Home of Zahra and Prince Nelson

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February 15th 2012|| Home of Zahra and Prince Nelson

⭐️Zahra Nevaeh Nelson⭐️

"Do you really think this is a good idea Zahra your seven months now we don't want to put to much strain on your body." letting out a deep breath as I continued packing my luggage while Prince sat on the bed watching.

He was supposed to be packing as well but we are back on this conversation about me working.

Folding my shirt neatly placing it in my suite case "P, women have baby's everyday some squat in fields and get right back to work. I've worked to hard to get to this point to just stop because I am having a baby." turning away from the him continuing with my packing what he said next set me off.

"That's kinds of selfish Zahra children don't need to be all over the place they need a stable environment especially newborns." sticking my head out of the closet. "Why don't you give up music then it's not fair for you to ask me to give up apart of me just because I am having a baby.

I wouldn't do that to you if the rolls are reversed.

And let's not forget my parents are willing to help out when ever they can-"

"Zahra I know it's hard for you to except but your dad is sick and you mom is caring for him full time they aren't going to always have the time or energy to come and help out." as much as it pained me he was right.

Daddy's cancer has taken a toll on him he looked more sickly and mom says it's just the new trail they have him on.

"I know your against the nanny thing Prince but come on it wouldn't hurt a lot of people have them, and I know your afraid our children will become more attached to nanny but my parents had a nanny for me when I was younger.

Parenthood is what you make it baby, we have to balance, our kids, our selves, our marriage, and careers it's all a balancing act baby.

Now can you please get to packing our flight leaves in a couple of hours." coming closer Prince place a kiss on my cheek and went on with his own packing.

Unfortunately my parents couldn't make it for my first fashion week, but I had there full support as always.

Shifting through some clothes in my closet trying to add a couple of more things when I felt baby Nelson give a kick.

We'd went to see Dr. Teleise the other day and she says everything is looking a lot better not to mention the baby is no longer in breech position we are just in the waiting game now.

I honestly couldn't wait to meet our baby, I just want them to be happy loved and healthy no matter what.

"Zahra can you come into my closet for a moment." Prince called out one things I loved about our home is the his and hers closet because with the way me and Prince shop and get custom made clothes and accessories.

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