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⭐️Zahra Nevaeh Anderson⭐️

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⭐️Zahra Nevaeh Anderson⭐️

June 13th 2011|| West Hollywood, CA

Keith is a piece of fucking shit I should've know his ass would come back at me but I am smarter then he realizes.

I may have been blinded by love but I wasn't about to let his ass take me for everything.

"The car is in my name and I make payments on it so no he can't take it from me." I hissed out in annoyance shoving the papers across the kitchen table to my dad of course I was smart enough to put my name on the car when he gifted to me.

Unlike those bimbo's he's used to deal with well I know to ask for a pen and not let the shinny gift distract me.

"That's my girl." he smiled reading over the documents, nodding his head my dad didn't raise a complete idiot.

Standing up I moved over to the fridge grabbing a smoothie, "So did he have a legitimate reason for calling you to his office or is he trying to play a game ?" my dad questioned already knowing the answer of course.

"Keith wants to control me still and I am not going to let him, heck you saw how he reacted when he found out I didn't want to go after him for alimony or anything else so that makes him upset.

Cause the picture he's painting of me to look flawed.

You know he told one of the women he was sleeping with that I didn't want children, said that I was being vain and didn't want to mess up my body and lord knows what else like what is that ?"

At one point my dad liked Keith they seemed to get along but as more time went by well my dad couldn't stand the sight of him anymore.

"Enough talkin about him, so are you all ready for tomorrow got your speech ready and everything ?" changing the subject.

Taking a sip of his smoothie, "Yeah I am ready, still can't believe tomorrow make forty years, seemed like just yesterday we said our I do's and then a couple of years later you came life has been sweet to me.

I want you to have a good time tomorrow Bunny I know that your going to be asked a lot of questions and people are going to come at you with there own opinions but you come into that party and keep your head up and you be the queen me and your mother raised you to be.

We have your back no matter what, no matter what." and that is why I loved my parents yes there were times when we'd bump heads but my parents are always, supportive and I love them don't know what I'd do with out them.

Not wanting to sit around the house all day I decided to take a drive to get me a slurpee, going into the local gas station grabbing the biggest cup filling it to the top with blue raspberry.

Feeling my phone vibrating in my back pocket quickly answering.

"You know one day your entire mouth is going to turn blue." Prince's voice eased through my phone, "How do you know I enjoying a slurpee ?"

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