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September 23rd 2012|| Offices of Dr

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September 23rd 2012|| Offices of Dr. Shaw Minneapolis, MN

⭐️Zahra Nevaeh Nelson⭐️

Biting my thumb nail the ticking of her office clock is all that could be heard. Tic, toc, tic toc.

He's not coming he hadn't been home or to Paisley since New York and no one can get into touch with him.

Or he's making sure no one is telling me if he is. "Zahra we can make this a solo session for you." Dr. Shaw spoke but my eyes never left the door.

Hoping praying that my husband found it in his heart to come so we can fix things.

I hadn't recived divorce papers so I guess there is hope.

Lord I am praying it hasn't come to that, not even a year and we'd be divorcing I don't think I could handle that.

"So last time it was me and you we, left on talking about your first marriage." damn I'd forgotten about that.

Dr. Shaw was good no wonder Dr. Teleise sent us to her she was no nonsense and extremally about getting the root cause of everything. "We aren't together any more why do I have to keep talk about that time in my life it happened and I moved on." uncrossing her legs letting out a deep breath.

"Zahra it is a big deal, you have come into this marriage with Prince with a lot of baggage that you are refusing to unpack.

Sitting in the sessions with the both of you it is clear that you hold the mistakes from your ex-husband over Prince's head.

It's like at the slightest offence he's Keith and not Prince." taking a deep breath I'd heard it multiple times that I held the past mistakes of my ex over Prince's head and I know it's true I just don't know how to change it.

So I guess now would be a good time to talk it out. "Fine." reaching into my purse pulling out some gum popping it in my mouth.

"You know when I first met Keith he was umm the cutes boy I'd ever met in my life. Even though I was only what about six or seven years old.

I beat a girl up when she kept giving him her juice boxes.

We started officially really dating in middle school my parents thought it was just a cute little blossoming puppy love.

After his parents died we grew closer and closer by high school I was head over heals in love with that man.

He was star athlete made varsity his freshman year had teams scouting him at the jump.

Some wanted him to drop out and go right to the pro's but my dad told him no he needed to finish high school then go to collage then think of going to pro's." those where the good times when things where simple.

"The first time he hit me I should've left should've ran for the fucking hills but he cried he hit me and he cried.

Laughing it was funny now that I think about. "Once we got married I'd say around year three when he got hurt and couldn't play ball anymore the hitting continued accept he wouldn't shed a tear no apologies cause he knew I wasn't going anywhere.

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