Chapter 5: ME!

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Hazel's POV

"EVERYONE AGES 5 TO 11 PLEASE COME DOWN STAIRS AND LINE UP!" We here Miss Brown shout up the stairs. Lot's of people start running down where as I just take my time.

When I make it down stairs I made sure I was at the very end so the people could find who they wanted before me. But instead they all started everywhere. Then I realised their was 5 of them.

One of them started to walk towards me. He had blue eyes and brown hair. Once he got to me he bent down a bit to get to my height. Then he started to speak, "Hiya love, How are ya?" He asked. He seemed very casual I replied to his question with a little whisper. "Good." "Ok that's good love, right what's your name and how old are you?" He asked me. "My name is Hazel and I am 7." I said loud enough so he could hear me but still very quiet. "Ok thanks love." He said while standing up and moving on to the next person.

After the men looked at everyone Miss Brown told us to stay where we are while she has a quick chat with the men. After about 5 minutes they all walked out and looked towards me.

Louis' POV

"Ok thanks Darling" I said to the last person and walked towards the boy's. "See anyone special?" I ask Liam and he shakes his head. "What about you?" He asked me. "Yes actually, I'll tell you once everyone's done" I replied. "Ok lad" He said as Niall, Zayn and Harry finished up and walked toward Miss Brown with us.

"Ok so is there anyone in particular any of you boy's like?" All the boy's shake there head while I speak up and say "I found her!"


"Ok does everyone agree?" Miss Brown asked as we all got exited. "Yep!" Liam says for us all.

"Ok, just to let you know, she is very new here and hasn't got anything so she is basically ready to go." Miss Brown said. We all nodded and walked out of the room. We all turned our heads and she looked right at us. It's going to be perfect.

I walk back up to her with all of the boys beside me while Miss Brown is telling everyone that they can go back up to there rooms and stuff. I stop and bend down again. "Hi sweetheart, do you remember me?" I say as she nods. "Ok well my name is Louis, these are my friends, Liam, Zayn, Niall and Harry." I say pointing to everyone of them. She looks a little confused but she waves back at us, saying nothing.

Hazel's POV

"Hi sweetheart, do you remember me?" The man that came up to me earlier asked. All I did was nod my head. He started to speak again. "Ok well my name is Louis, these are my friends, Liam, Zayn, Niall and Harry."

I wave to them all but I'm a little confused. Are all of them adopting me? Suddenly Miss Brown comes to me and says that these men are going to adopt me. I was still confused but I just nodded.

Miss Brown told me to go make sure I have everything and say my goodbyes. I'm going to have to leave Alex and Becky. I'm going to miss them so much. I go up to the room, they come and give me a hug and say congratulations.

The 3 of us got carried away talking when Miss Brown came up and told me I need to go. I am very nervous because I've never met these guys before. All I can think in my head why they want me. I couldn't help but think that, while walking down the stairs to the 5 men.

Harry's POV

As Hazel walks down the stairs you can see she is nervous. I hope she is going to be alright with us. "Hey love, you ready?" Louis asks Hazel as she got to the last step. She nodded and we were off.

As we were deciding who will sit where (cause everyone wanted to be next to Hazel) We started to buckle her in. After about another 5 minutes we decided that Louis was gonna drive and I would be in the passenger seat. Then it would be Niall, Liam, Hazel and Zayn. Soon enough we were home.

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