Chapter 6: Nightmares

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Hazel's POV

"And here we are. Your new home!" Liam said happily. Just based on the outside it looked massive. I can't wait to see what it will look like on the inside. We stood outside for about 30 seconds and I was still in aw. "Shall we go inside?" Harry asked and I nodded.

Once we walked inside I couldn't believe it. It was so big. "This is so cool!" I whispered under my breath without realising until Niall let out a little chuckle and said "Yeah, it is cool."

As Niall Said that I quickly turned around and fell on the ground backing into the corner, Screaming "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" Over and over again until Zayn who didn't speak a lot calmly came over and started to speak in a really soft voice.

My mommy and daddy didn't like it when I talked without permission. They would smack me. So I assumed it was the same here.

"It's ok darling. You don't need to be sorry. Everything is fine. Your safe here with us." I started to move my arms away from my face with tears rolling down my eyes. The other 4 looked worried and scared, they didn't know what was going on. "How about you come over and take a seat on the couch and I'll go get you a bottle of water?" Zayn asked. I nodded as I weakly got up and followed Zayn into the living room.

It was silent for a moment as I was drinking the water Zayn gave me until Harry broke the silence by asking. "Hazel. Do you want to tell us what happened?" I quickly shook my head and looked down at my lap. "It's ok. You don't have to." Harry said I just kept my head down.

Niall's POV

Harry just asked a risky question to Hazel. I feel sorry for that girl. "How about we give you a tour of the house, and we can see your room?" I asked trying to make this less awkward. Hazel nodded and I held out my hand as she stood up and reached in for it.

After the Tour of the house Hazel seemed a lot better, which made me happy, but now I'm getting hungry. "Hey Hazel? You hungry?" I asked hoping for her to say yes she we can get some food. Hazel looked up at me and nodded so obviously I told the boys that Hazel was hungry.

We soon had dinner and were watching a movie then Hazel started to yawn. "Someone getting sleepy" Liam asked. Hazel nodded and asked, "Can I go to bed please?" Is that a genuine question. "Of course darling" Louis said as we all stood up and walked Hazel to her room.

"Hazel, we bought you some clothes earlier. They are in your walk-in closet." Zayn told her. "Thank you, I'm away to get changed." Hazel replied. She had such good manners. "Ok we will be back in about 5 minutes to say goodnight. Ok?" I told her and she nodded. So we all decided to get changed into our pjs too.

5 minutes past and me and the lads went up and knocked on Hazel's room. We walked in and she was walking around her room looking at all of her stuff.

"Hi baby, It's bedtime." Harry told her. She nodded and ran into her bad. we all walked over, "Goodnight cupcake!" Harry said while hugging her and kissing her on the head. Louis then did the same saying "Goodnight Bug!" Then I went up and gave her a hug and kiss and said, "Goodnight Kitten!" Next is Liam and he says "Goodnight Sunshine!" And finally Zayn goes up and Says "Goodnight Petal"

Hazel's POV

The boys gave me weird nicknames. I'm Harry's Cupcake, Louis' Bug, Niall's Kitten, Liam's Sunshine, and Zayn's Petal. "If you need us my room is right across from yours, Liam's is next door to yours. Next to Liam is Niall,  across from Niall is Harry's and Louis' in between me and Harry's" Zayn told me. I nodded and slowly went to sleep.


All of a sudden I'm running. Who am I running from. I turn around and see my mom chasing me with something in her hand. I can't make out what it is I just keep on running

"COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT" I hear my mom scream

Where am I going! I have no clue where I am!

Is 'shit' her favourite word? What am I doing! Just run!

Oh no, I'm cornered in.

she is coming very close, to close. she holds up the sharp item that is in her hand which now looks like a broken bottle of her bad juice (alcohol). she brings the broken bottle down towards my face. I start to scream.



"AGGHHH" I screamed then stopped as I hide in the corner of the room waiting for someone to walk in and scream at me. The door swings open and all the boys come running in towards me. I start to scream "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" putting my hands up to defend myself.

"Cupcake, you have nothing to be sorry for. What's wrong?" Harry asked me. I didn't answer him I just sat there and cried. Next thing I know someone put me on there knee and I put my head into his chest. I don't know who it was but I fell asleep in his arms.

Zayn's POV

I woke up to Hazel screaming. Me and the boys must of all heard it because we all went rushing through. Hazel was backed up in the corner of her room screaming "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" over and over again.

"Cupcake, you have nothing to be sorry for. What's wrong?" Harry asked. Hazel just sat there and you could hear her cries so I walked over and put her on my lap. She put her head onto my chest and fell asleep in an instant.

I lay her back down and me and the boys walk out the room very quietly. We agreed that we will ask her about it in the morning since it's 3:37 in the morning, and headed off to bed again.


"Good morning Sunshine" Liam says as we walk into Hazel's room. "Good morning" she replies as she gets out of her bed. "Come on Hazel let's go get you some breakfast" Louis said as she came and grabbed his hand.

"Harry's making pancakes" Niall said excitedly. We took a seat as Harry handed out the pancakes. "Here you go cupcake" Harry said while handing Hazel her pancakes. "Thank you" Hazel replied.

Hazel's POV

I woke up this morning and the boys didn't shout at me for waking them up really early. I'm scared they do something later though. Right now we're eating pancakes. Harry is a good cook.

After I was finished my pancakes Liam told me to come and sit down in the living room for a minute before I get dressed. I sat next to Zayn on one side and Niall on the other. Liam was on the one seater and Louis and Harry had the two seater. I was nervous to what Liam was gonna say.


Hey, just letting who ever is reading this know that the pov's will steady down.

I've written quite a bit of chapters that I will be going over before I post.

Sorry for any mistakes, hope you liked it.

All the love, K x

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