Chapter 11: The studio and drawing

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Hazel's POV

"YOUR FAMOUS!" I was in shock. The five men who adopted me are famous singers. "Yeah, we are usually in the studio for a while so thats why I was getting snacks. There was some fans and they were running towards me but I got away as fast as I can. Our fans are smart people" Liam tells me.

"Yeah, remember that one time they hacked into a camera in the airport to watch us get onto a plane?" Niall asked the boys laughing. All the boys were laughing and I was still in shock that they are famous.

Soon we got to this building so I'm guessing this is the studio. We got out the car and went into the building.

It was huge. We all went into this room and there was a few more people there. I just walked over to a chair that was against the wall at the back of the room away from everyone.

Zayn gave me his phone to play games on cause I'm too young to have a phone.

After a while I got tired so I fell asleep on the chair with Zayn's phone in my hand.

Zayn's POV

I gave Hazel my phone to play some games on. We have been here for about 6 hours and she is now sleeping. She has been sleeping for about 1hour and a half.

We decided the we are just going to carry her into the car and wake her up wants we get inside, only because we want her to sleep tonight.

Liam carry's her out and into the car and we are on our way back home.


Finally we are home we pick up Hazel and place her on the couch. She starts to stir and we start to quietly and carefully wake her up.

"Petal, we are home now. Can you wake up?" I ask giving her a little shake. She groans but sits up rubbing her eyes. "Good girl. What do you want to do while Harry makes us dinner?" I ask.

She shrugs her shoulders then asks, "Can I draw?"

I smile, she is actually asking to do something. Another step closer to her fully trusting us. I respond with "Of course, I'll go get some paper and pencils and we can draw at the table before we need to eat." I love how she is speaking more with us.

I see her smile and walk towards the table. I quickly run into my room and grab a few bits of paper and some pencils, then go back down the stairs.

"Ok here you go." I say handing her a piece of paper and a pencil.

"Do you want me to stay or go?" I ask her. She shrugs and say, "I don't mind."

I tell her, "Ok I'll be in the living room if you need me, Harry is in the kitchen and the others will be somewhere ok?" I ask making sure she knows she is not alone.

She nods and says "Ok, thank you." And starts to draw.

Hazel's POV

I'm drawing a picture. It's a picture of what I see when I'm in my dreams. It's quite scary.

I draw a few more pictures I draw a picture of all the boys together and I draw myself. It's not the best but I don't care.

Zayn comes in to check on me. "Wow Hazel, these are amazing. Is that meant to be you?" He asks. I nod and then point to the one with all the boys. "This one is of all of you." I say and I saw Zayn smile. He then points to the last one.

This one is very different. The picture is of me in the corner and my mum in front of me with a sharp object in her hand. "What's this meant to be?" Zayn asks.

I start to feel nervous but I don't know why. I gulp and started to speak. "This is me in the corner from my dream before I woke up. That is my mum with a sharp thing in her hand and all around me is walls so I can't run." I tell him.

Zayn looks a little sad. Did I make him upset. "Well this is a great way on expressing your feelings." Zayn tells me and I smile a small smile at him.

"Hazel whenever you have a bad dream that you can draw and you don't want to tell us, can you draw it for us?" Zayn asks. I nod my head up and down and then Harry shouts. "DINNER" everyone came running down.

Me and Zayn cleaned up the paper and pencils. He put my drawings in a folder and he told me that he is going to keep all of my drawings. I nodded and we went back to the table to eat the yummy pasta Harry cooked for us all tonight.

I love the boys so much. I think I'm going to like it here.

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