Niall's POV
It's 7:30pm and I think the boys are going to try and get Hazel to take a bath. I'm not sure how this will go. She is upstairs in her room playing with some of the toys.
As soon as we finished dinner Hazel wanted to go play with some toys in her room, so when she was doing that Zayn showed us her drawings. I hope that if she can't tell us she will draw it like Zayn asked. But we can't force her.
"Ok guys, I think it's time." Zayn said. We all nodded in agreement. "I hope she actually wants a bath or at least will go in without a fight." Liam told us. We all nodded again as started to walk to Hazel's room.
I knocked on the door then opened it. "Hey Hazel whatcha doin?" I ask. "I'm playing with the dolls." She tells us. We all let out a little chuckle, shes just so damn cute.
"Well I think it's time you have a bath." I say crouching down closer to her level. "Why!" She moans. Liam comes and crouches as well then says, "because then you will be all nice and clean." I can feel this is going to be a challenge.
"But I don't want to." Hazel whines. "I know bug, but we'll make it fun." Louis tells her. Hazel just stays silent.
Me and Liam stand up from our crouching position and I hold out my hand wanting Hazel to take it. With slight hesitation, Hazel grabs my hand and we are on our way to make a bath.
Hazel's POV
I don't like bath time. I don't like not having clothes on. And I don't like water. You see,
"I'm sorry mommy, I didn't mean to bite your leg. I just get sca-" I tried to say but got cut of by a stinging slap to my stomach.
"SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" My mommy yells.
My mommy then dragged me by my hair and kept on whipping me with something. This hurts so much.
"OW MOMMY STOP! IM SORRY!" I yell hopping she would feel bad but instead it made her hit harder.
"SHUT UP!" She hut me harder. "IF YOU SPEAK AGAIN ILL PUT YOU IN THE BATH TUB BUT FORSE YOUR HEAD UNDER THE WATER!" I was so scared that I just stayed quiet. My mum just kept on hitting me.
Next thing I know I'm in darkness.
End of flashback
We are now in the bathroom. Yes all of us. I quickly looked at my stomach to see if I still have the marks. I do.
"Hazel, can you start taking off your clothes while I run the bath and Louis and Niall get some bath toys?" Zayn asks me as Louis and Niall left to go find some bath toys.
I shook my head. Liam and Harry started to walk towards me. I'm starting to get scared. What do I do? My eyes are starting to water.
Liam's POV
Me and Harry started to walk towards Hazel to ask her why she's not going to take off her clothes for her bath. The closer we got I could see her eyes starting to water.
"Hazel, cupcake, you don't need to be scared. It's ok. We are here to help you. Not to hurt you." Harry tells her that hoping she will calm down a bit.
I sit on the toilet seat, I pick up Hazel and place her on my lap. She was hesitant at first but after a few seconds she hugged right into me and started to cry into my neck.
"Sunshine, what's wrong?" I ask. I hate seeing her like this and I can see that Harry is worrying a lot as well. We are all worried about her but we all know that it will just take her time to open up, and we need to be patient and help her with it.
"I don't want to take off my clothes, and I don't like the bath." Hazel tells me. "Why?" I ask, hoping she will tell us more. "Because my mommy hurt me and I don't want you to see, she also said she would keep my head under water if I speak." She says in the cutest voice.
I hug her tighter and tell her, "It's ok. Don't worry about it. Ok? Your mummy not here so she won't do any of that. And none of us would ever do anything like that to you. Ok? Now can we start taking off these clothes and get you in the bath?" I ask. Hazel nods her head and starts to get off my lap.
She takes of the shirt and puts it on the ground and then does the same with her jeans. Zayn then turns around a said, "baths ready!" As excitingly as he can trying to get Hazel in the spirit.
Harry picks up Hazel and puts her in the bath. As soon as we put her in Niall and Louis came back with a few bath toys. I went and made sure there was a towel for when she got out.
Bath time is complete and now it's 8:30. The boys and I decided that this will be Hazel's bedtime for now.
Hazel has been playing in her room for about 30 minutes. Let's just hope that she will go to sleep since she did have a little sleep during the day.
Me and the boys start to head up into Hazel's room. I knock on the door to let her know we are away to come in. I opened the door and she was still playing with the Barbie dolls. She is so cute.
"Come on bug, it's bed time." Louis said, but Hazel just kept on playing like she didn't hear us. "Petal, it's bed time." Zayn told her but still no response.
I walked towards her and crouched down to her level. "Come on Hazel, it's bed time." I said sounding a little bit stricter than the other two but soft so she won't get scared.
"No, I'm not tired." She replied. "Hazel it's not a choice. You have to go to bed." I told her sounding a little bit stricter.
The boys were all around the room by this point. Hazel stood up and but her toys away. She then yelled, "YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO CATCH ME FIRST!" In a playful voice. What has gotten into her.
Hazel's POV
"YOUR GONING TO HAVE TO CATCH ME FIRST!" I yelled at all of them then ran out of my room. I'm not tired so I want to have some fun before I have to sleep.
I ran around the whole house, I almost got caught by Liam, Niall, Harry, and Louis. I haven't seen Zayn.
Ok I'm getting out of breath but this is fun. I ran back into my room and I closed the door, to catch my breath.
I turned around to walk to my bed but then I saw Zayn. I was away to run back out but then the door opened and all of the boys came in.
"Not. Gonna. Lie. That. Was. Quite. Fun." Niall said while taking breaths after each word. I heard Louis agree and then Liam said, "Can you guys maybe not say that in front of her so then she won't do it again." I giggled cause he was trying to be quiet.
While Liam was talking to Niall and Louis, Harry came over to me and brought me over to Zayn. I sat down on the edge of my bed with Harry on one side and Zayn on the other.
"Hazel, I'm not mad but I just want to know, why did you run when we said bedtime?" Zayn asked me.
I didn't have a good reason I just wasn't tired and it sounded like fun. So that's what I said.
"I'm not tired and it sounded like fun. I'm sorry!" I told him and looked down. Zayn is going to hate me now.
Zayn picked me up and placed my in his lap. "It's ok but can you please not run around. You could've gotten hurt and I know your not tired but you need to sleep. Ok?" Zayn asked I nodded my head and then Liam, Louis and Niall came back.
We had a big group hug and then went to bed.
Maybe Zayn doesn't hate me.
Maybe they all don't hate me.

Adopted by one direction
FanfictionHazel a 7 year old girl rescued from her abusive household and put into an adoption centre. Meanwhile Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Harry want a new addition. After coming coming back from a short break, they decided to add on to there little family...