Chapter 18: Dads?

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3rd person POV

Today Hazel woke up feeling really happy. A few days ago she told Louis that she loved him, The honesty in her heart made her. She couldn't hold it back much longer.

For the past few days Hazel has been telling the boys every so often that she loves them. The boys think it's the cutest thing and Hazel just wants the boys to remember that she loves them.

As she laid there in her bed, smiling at the thoughts of the amazing things she could do with her new favourite people, she didn't realize that the boys walked in to wake her up.

"Good morning petal." Zayn said excitedly. Hazel sat up and smiled at them all. "Good morning." Hazel said happily as she stood and hugged everyone of them.

"Hazel, can you go get dressed and when your done can you come downstairs for breakfast?" Liam asks. "Yes" Hazel replied and went to get clothes.

The boys left as Hazel happily got herself ready. All she can think about is the fun times she is going to have with her dads. All the summer beach trips and the winter snowball fights. Hazel just can't wait.

Meanwhile, downstairs while the boys were making breakfast they all started to talk about what to get Hazel for her birthday.

"Alright, so we are definitely getting her an art kit, she loves to draw and all that." Zayn says. "I agree with Zayn, I mean look at that wonderful picture she drew of me and Harry." Louis agrees. "Ok, so it's settled. We are getting art stuff, what else?" Liam asked. "We could get her an iPad. So she doesn't get that bored and I don't think she is old enough for a phone." Niall pitches in the idea. "Yeah, I think that will be good especially for when we are on stage performing." Harry replies. "Ok, another thing added to Hazels birthday list." Liam says writing down all the random ideas.

"Let's ask Hazel if there is anything she wants." Niall says. "Good idea." Liam replies and they continue to talk about it.

They were soon cut off by little feet running in the kitchen. Hazel ran in and hugged the first person she saw, which happened to be Harry. "Hello cupcake." Harry says hugging her back. "Hello daddy Haz" Hazel reply's happily all the while confusing the boys.

Hazel's POV

I ran into the kitchen after getting changed and hugged the first person I saw which is Harry. I love them so much that I think I'm going to start referring to them as my 'dads' instead of there real names.

"Hello cupcake." Harry said. 'Ok Hazel it's now or never' I say to myself in my mind. "Hello daddy Haz" I say. Wow that felt great. I couldn't stop smiling if I wanted too, which I don't.

Daddy Haz kissed me on the head and I ran over to daddy Lou. "Morning bug." Louis says to me. "Morning daddy Lou." I say back.

Time for daddy Z. Daddy Z kisses me on the head then brings me into a hug. "Morning petal" daddy Z says. "Morning daddy Z." I say back to him. He kisses me again and I go over to daddy Li.

"Hi Daddy Li." I say hugging right into him before he can say anything. "Hello sunshine."

Finally it's Daddy Ni's turn. "Good morning Kitten." Daddy Ni says while kissing my head. "Morning daddy Ni" I say but my voice is muffled a little because my face is in his shirt.

Daddy Haz makes me a bowl of Coco pops for breakfast. Yummy!

3rd person POV

Hazel was almost done her cereal when the boys decided to bring up her birthday.

"So Hazel." Liam started, "What do you want for your birthday?" Liam asked, as Hazel ate her last spoon of coco pops.

She thought for a minute but there was only one thing that she wanted to say. "I don't know I already have everything I want, which is a family that loves me." Everyone in the room smiled fondly, loving that small comment Hazel made.

"Well we love you too, so, so, so much." Harry said walking over and kissing her head. Hazel giggles at the small gesture. "But is there anything that you really want." Harry added before walking to make himself a drink of water.

Hazel shook her head, they already had toys for her so she was good on that, they had paper and pencils so she's ok on that and she has a family who she loves and a family that loves her. What else could she want?

"Ok, if you think of something you want let us know and we can get it for your birthday." Liam told her.

Hazel nodded but she wasn't used to having a birthday. Over the past few years her birthday consisted of yelling, fighting, and crying. That was every day in her old house, but not here.

"So, Hazel, we need to go to the studio today. While we are there you can meet Paul." Liam started. "Don't worry Paul is our favourite bodyguard, he looks a little scary but he's really funny." Liam added after a little bit of fear was spotted in Hazels eyes. Hazel nodded and then they all got ready to leave for the studio.

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