Chapter 20: Birthday Prep

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3rd person POV

Once the boys got back home, with Hazel, after Hazel meeting Paul, the boys carried her in, put her into some pjs and then placed her in bed.

They all gave her a goodnights kiss and made sure she was tucked in, before leaving her there to sleep.

"She has had a busy day." Liam commented while walking into the living room with the guys.

"Yeah, we're going to have a few days like this, I can tell." Harry said chuckling a little.

"Well lads, we better get some sleep. Wont like this for long." Louis told everyone before heading off to bed.

They all said goodnight before falling asleep.


The next two weeks come fast. The boys have finished writing all their songs and only need to record 5 more for the album. They have had at least 5 more meetings with Simon and he is being a pain in the ass! Plus Hazel has started her new online school, which thankfully she didn't complain and got the work done.

Today Simon needed another meeting with Harry, Louis and Liam. Niall and Zayn weren't needed, thankfully, so now they can spend some time together and prepare for Liam's birthday in 5 days.

Liam, Harry and Louis have already left. Zayn, Niall and Hazel are all getting ready to go to the shops. Since they haven't announced that they have adopted they need to be extremely careful and that is why Niall and Zayn are basically covered to hide that it's them.

While Zayn and Niall were waiting for Hazel to finish in the toilet before they left, they decided Niall will go and buy some things for Hazel's birthday while Zayn brings Hazel with him and they buy some stuff for Liam.

They got into the car and were on their way.

"Ok, Daddy Ni needs to go and do something, he will meet us soon. I need you to always stay beside me until Daddy Ni comes back. But even then stay by one of us. It could get busy and we just want you safe, ok?" Zayn told Hazel more than asked her.

She nodded and they continued there drive. It should be that busy cause school has just started back so kids will be in school. Soon they pulled up into a parking spot at the place.

They all got out, Hazel grabbed onto Zayn's hand as they walked in. "I'll be back soon. bye bye." Niall said kissing Hazel on the head goodbye before heading off.

Niall wondered around some toys shops and decided on buying a few more dolls, cause she loves making the doll go on adventures so might as well.

Some Legos. Always fun. Every kid loves Legos, and she could make a place for her dolls to explore. Ok, a bag of Legos, now maybe one more thing.

Niall wondered down every isle looking for something, he looked and looked and looked but couldn't find anything.

That is until he saw...


Zayn took Hazel into a clothes shop that Liam likes to go to. As they wonder round Zayn grabs a few different items of clothing for Liam. Zayn finishes and as he and Hazel walk to the till.

The boys never bought much for each others birthdays, just clothes or some body wash, the boys already have everything they want and need so they don't really bother to go searching for something.

They pay and start to walk around the big shopping centre and wait near a café at the bottom floor, in the place. Zayn texts Niall, the text saying;

'Hey, where are you and have you managed to get anything for Hazels birthday?'

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