3rd Person POV
It was Hazel's birthday today! The boys all woke up around 7:30 to get all her presents in and wrapped.
Liam and Louis are on decorating duty, Zayn and Niall are on present wrapping duty and Harry is on birthday breakfast duty.
Liam and Louis blew up some colorful balloons. They also hanged up a banner that says 'Happy Birthday Hazel' as they got it specially made for things like this.
Zayn and Niall got to work wrapping up some clothes they bought, just some shirts and trousers. Her new dolls. Legos. An iPad and her mystery item.
Harry went and started his mission. He was making a cake for later and pancakes for breakfast. He started making the cake and when the only thing left to do was decorate it he moved onto the pancakes which didn't take long.
When they all finished there activities, they all went to go and wake up the little birthday girl.
They wondered onto Hazel's room and she was still sound asleep, sleeping on her stomach with her face barely peaking out.
"One... Two... Three!" Zayn whispered.
"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Hazel,
Happy birthday to you!!!"All the boys sang as Hazel woke up to their incredible voices.
"Happy birthday Petal." Zayn told her and gave her a hug.
"Happy birthday Kitten." Niall spoke next wanting to get a hug from her as well.
"Morning, Happy birthday Cupcake." Harry followed suit, doing the exact same thing.
"Good morning, Happy birthday Sunshine." Liam told her giving her a big squeeze.
"Good morning and Happy birthday Bug." Louis being the last one said and gave her the biggest hug out of them all. Well in Hazel's mind at least.
"Right, how about we get some breakfast then open some presents?" Harry suggested.
"YES!" Hazel shouted excitedly and started racing Niall and Louis to the kitchen, in which Hazel won, Niall coming 2nd and Louis coming 3rd, the rest of the lads taking there time, shaking there heads about how childish they can still be sometimes.
"Alright, some specially made pancakes for a special little girl." Harry said, while bringing a plate of pancakes to the table and placing it in front of Hazel.
All the lads went and got some pancakes and they had their morning talk over breakfast, planning the day ahead.
Once they were all finished, they wondered into the living room where Hazel's presents were all there waiting for her.
"Alright sweetheart, here is your first present." Liam told her handing her one. They wanted Hazel to open a certain present last.
"Thank you Daddy Li." Hazel thanked as Liam handed her the present.
Hazel wasted no time in opening it and was greeted with a small art and craft kit.
"Thank you!" Hazel said as she admired all the art stuff that she can't wait to use it.
"Your welcome Petal. Here. Let's open more!" Zayn suggested and handed her the next gift.
Hazel took it and ripped it open. As she opened it she saw some new dolls. All these ideas on what she could do.
All the adventures she can make them go on keep on coming. "Thank you so much!" Hazel said, loving today so much already and it's only been about 1 hour of it.

Adopted by one direction
FanfictionHazel a 7 year old girl rescued from her abusive household and put into an adoption centre. Meanwhile Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Harry want a new addition. After coming coming back from a short break, they decided to add on to there little family...