Chapter 54: Secrets

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3 Person POV

Right now the men had a few days in London before they fly over to France where the tour will continue but as of right now, Hazel was calmly playing in her room with Niall, who promised he would play some games with her if she helped him do some washing, and as in do the washing he means matching the washed socks, the worst part.

Once that was done though, they went up to Hazel's room where the games begin. While also keeping a close track on 'the voice', it hasn't came back according to Hazel, but you can't be to sure.

Currently Liam and Zayn are out of the house, shopping, and since Niall was home they left Hazel with him, not wanting that to happen again.

As for Harry and Louis, they were with Simon, and are so close to cutting off the contract, but they know that it's unfair to the fans, because then tour will be cancelled and they've already spent so much money on them.

"THIS SHIT IS UNBEARABLE" Simon screamed at the two men after doing everything he can to make them feel bad and cry.

"YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS UNBEARABLE? YOU! YOU ARE FUCKING UNBEARABLE!!" Louis screamed to Simon as he stood up, looking directly in his eye. "I can't do this anymore." He mumbled and left the room, leaving Harry in the room with the 'monster'.

"Harry your excused, and sort him out, I'm expecting an apology from him." Simon told Harry as he rubbed his temples in stress.

"Yes sir." Harry mumbled, and walked out the room, terrified of him.

"Lou, we can't do this anymore." Harry said, and Louis nodding agreeing with him.

"Look, Haz, I have an idea, but I'm not 100% sure if it will work." Louis told the man, who suddenly became interested.

"Go on." Harry urged.

"Well, the only tickets that have been on sale we're the American and Europe ones, everyone knows that the rest will be on sale, but aren't yet. So what if we try and leave this contract, by getting a lawyer and everything. It might work, we have some proof of the verbal and physical abuse and his wicked scams." Louis told Harry as they spoke quietly while exiting the building.

"I don't know Lou, who will we sign to, the fans know we're going to be going on tour everywhere and if we suddenly say 'no we aren't' I'd feel bad for them." Harry said as they started heading to the car.

"This is where the best part of the plan comes." Louis said as he and Harry got in the car, and started to drive off.

Once they got back to the house Harry was in full agreement, and they plan on telling the men everything. Hazel on the other hand. They are going to keep all this from her. Like their little secret. She doesn't have to know what will be happening and it's probably for the best she doesn't know.

The men walked into Niall and Hazel watching a movie, 'Hook' to be exact.

"Hey guys, did the 'meeting' go okay?" Niall asked knowing that they most likely got yelled at.

"Yeah, the normal." Harry said, not mentioning the walking out, the plan, or anything in front of Hazel.

"Are Liam and Zayn still out?" Louis asked, looking at the time, seeing it's nearing 5:30pm. It doesn't take that long to go shopping does it?

"Yeah, I'm guessing either fans, or Liam saw someone and started to speak to them, you know how he is." Niall said, carefully leaving Hazel's side and walking over to the kitchen where Harry and Louis were heading. "So what actually happened?" Niall asked wants they were out of ear shot from Hazel, the door slightly open, open enough to see the girl and make sure she's alright.

"Same old, same old. Scream, shout, let it all out." Harry laughed. "Louis did storm out half way through the meeting so Simon is pretty upset. Oh, he also wants you to apologise." Harry said turning to Louis remembering what Simon had told him.

"Well if he thinks he's getting an apology he is mistaken." Louis mumbled as he leaned over the counter top.

"Jeez, I mean, Lou, you'll have to apologise, he's our boss." Niall told the man.

"Not for long." Louis chuckled then started spilling his plan to Niall, who agreed with the plan in an instant.

"Do you guys wanna order some pizza instead of cooking?" Niall asked randomly looking at the clock, seeing it nearing closer to 6.

"Yeah, I'll go and ask Hazel what she wants, Harry, can you phone Liam or Zayn and ask how long they'll be and what they want? And Lou, you can get the phone number and order?" Niall asked taking control.

"Okay, sounds good." Harry and Louis agreed and of they went.

Niall walked into the living room, seeing the girl in aww of the screen, never having seen the movie before.

"Hey Kitten," Niall said as he paused the movie quickly, earning a small pout that will be gone soon. "We're going to order some pizza, what do you want?" Niall asked, seeing the girl light up at the thought of pizza. She truly is Louis' daughter.

"Umm, just plain cheese please." The girl told the man, sweetly.

"Of course. I'll just be in the other room with Daddy Lou and Daddy Haz okay?" Niall asked, receiving a nod from the girl, then pressing play on the movie again.

"They said they should be here in about 10 minutes and that they will have what they normally get." Harry said as Louis started to phone up dominoes.

"What does Hazel want?" He asked quickly before they answer.

"Just plain cheese. And I'll have my usual. My treat." Niall said, going to get some money ready.

"Okay... Hello, yeah hi, I'd like to order..." Louis went on while Harry decided to go through to where Hazel was watching 'hook', the movie almost done.

"Hi daddy Haz!" The girl said from the couch.

"Hi cupcake. What you watching?" Harry asked, though he already knew, he just wanted to hear the girl talk with the excitement.

"Hook. Daddy Ni said that it's a good movie and I agree." Hazel said as the credits rolled onto the screen.

"Really? What happened?" Harry asked, getting the girl to smile.

"Peter pan was all grown up and he was being reminded of what it's like to be a kid. And hook was being a meanie but in the end Peter Pan wins which is good." Hazel told the man, jumping around the floor, making Harry chuckle.

Harry then started to play some music and Hazel was dancing around, making the man happy to watch her and even having to catch her a few times.

"Careful cupcake. Don't want you getting hurt." Harry told the girl again, after her almost falling for the 12th time.

"Sorry." Hazel giggled, she was actually sorry, she's just in the moment, but Harry didn't care, as long as she's not hurt that's his main concern.

Just then Liam and Zayn entered the house and went straight to the kitchen after saying a quick hello to Harry and Hazel.

While in the kitchen, Louis told them about the plan and yes they were hesitant but hell yeah they are in for the risk.

Just then the door bell went and Niall got the food, paying for it and now everyone was eating in the kitchen, talking about whatever, but leaving the meeting and secret out.


So what's this secret?
I don't know any secret
Anyway, hope your all okay!!

All the love, K x

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