Chapter 17: I love you

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Louis' POV

About 30 minutes ago I was crying in a bad way because of the things Simon was saying towards me and Harry and now I'm crying in a cool way cause Hazel said she loved me.

The boys would of said if she told them that she loved them. I'm so happy I'm the first one.

I sit there with a sleeping Hazel in my arms. I take another look at her drawing and it's amazing.

When I met Harry this picture describes how I wanted my life to be. I only want to showcase that love in front of everyone. Not behind closed doors.

I get dragged out my thoughts from Hazel starting to squirm. She starts sweating and I see a tear roll down her face. I know that it's a nightmare.

I start to, worriedly, shake her awake. "Hazel. Bug. Wake up. Hazel!" Every word I say getting a little louder.

"Hazel baby, wake up please." I say still trying to wake her up. Her eyes open and she takes a deep breath and hugs right into me.

Hazel starts to cry right into me. "Bug, your ok. I'm here." I reassure her. She starts to calm down a little bit.

Once she's calm and reduced to sniffles every so often, she was hugging onto me like I was trying to leave her somewhere.

"Louis?" She asked. "Yeah bug?" I asked. "Will my mummy and daddy ever find me." She asked me. Honestly her thinking that will happen breaks my heart. "No baby, they won't find you here. We will protect you." I tell her. She cuddled more into me, if that is possible.

"Was you having a bad dream?" I asked her. I felt her nod. "What was it about?" I asked. "My mummy and daddy found me and tried to take me away. They told me that you guys were bad guys and that you never loved me. But I know that's not true. You love me, right?" Hazel asked questioningly.

"Of course bug. I love you so much, and so does Harry, Niall, Zayn and Liam. We all love you so much." I reassure her.

"Ok." She says and gives me another big hug. "I love you all too." She said. I couldn't help but coo. I can't believe how fast she is warming up to us but I'm loving it.

"I smell food, why don't we go see what Harry's making?" I asked her. "Ok." She said, but before she could get off the bed I stopped her. "Wanna piggy back ride down?" I asked.

"What's that?" She asked, how can she not know. Her parents really are bad people. "You'll be on my back and I'll hold onto. It's really fun." I tried to explain but I'm not very good.

She nodded and stood on the bed. She jumped onto my back and off we wrong on our journey downstairs.

Hazel was giggling on my back. We walk into the living room, while Niall and Liam looked serious at Liam's phone.

"Hey guys." I say as I sit Hazel down on the couch, while that is happening Liam puts his phone away. "Hey Lou." Niall says and I sit beside Niall and Hazel goes and hugs them both.

Hazel goes and sits with Niall, and Liam brings me out the room. "So Lou, while you were upstairs with Hazel me and the boys were thinking of enrolling her in an online private school, mainly for when we go on tour." Liam starts. "Yeah, sounds good." I reply. Liam continues on, "oh and also Hazel's birthday is in 4 weeks and 2 days."

"Well we better get some birthday shopping planned." I say. "Yeah, her birthday is on September 6th so in between mine and Niall's." Liam tells me.

"Yeah it is. I guess this is birthday season." I chuckle and so does Liam. "Yeah it is." Liam says and starts to walk away.

"Wait Li." I say and he turns around coming back. "Yeah Lou?" He questioned. "When me and Hazel were upstairs she told me she loved me. Like 'I love you' and I think I'm the first one out of us she's said that too." I tell him tearing tears of happiness at the thought.

"Aww Lou that's amazing. Looks like she's warming up to you now." He tells me. "Yeah, also while she was taking a little nap in there she started to have a bad dream. When she woke up and calmed down she asked me if her mom and dad would find her. I told 'no' and asked why cause I want to help make it better and she told me that her mom and dad tried to go take her while telling her that we don't love her. She looked up and me and asked 'you love me, right?' I was about to cry cause she told me not long ago that she loved me. I told her that I do love her and so do all of you." I start to spill to Liam. "I don't know why I told you all that it just seemed important I guess." I tell him looking down and scratching the back of my neck out of nerves.

"Hey Lou, it's ok. Today has just been a bad day. Look on the bright side. If Hazel had that dream a few days ago she wouldn't ask. She would cry. Alone. Because that was what she was told her whole life but now she asked cause she's starting to realize that we are the ones that truly love her. If it was a few days ago she wouldn't open up or talk. She would hide. She would live with the fear, but instead she came to you. she's opening up to you. She loves you!" Liam tells me.

"Your right. I'm just glad she's ok." I tell him while wiping a stray tear that somehow made it's way out my eye. Why am I crying so much today? I'm not this emotional. Next thing I know I'm in a big bear hug from Liam. "Don't worry. She's ok. Your ok. We are all ok." Liam tells me. I nod and we go back over to Niall and Hazel playing hide and seek. So cute.

I just keep on thinking to myself,

'She's ok. Your ok. We are all ok.'

Yeah, 'we are all ok.'

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