3rd person POV
Hazel's dream
I had a great day with my daddy's. We went to the park, got ice cream and watched a lot of Disney movies.
They all tucked me into bed and gave me a kiss goodnight and I went to sleep.
I woke up and it was dark. I looked around my room for a light but I couldn't find one, then I heard a noise.
I rubbed my eyes and saw something in the corner of my room. AND IT MOVED!!
I ran into Daddy Li's room, Daddy Z's room, Daddy Haz's room Daddy Lou's room and Daddy Ni's room. BUT NO ONE WAS HERE!!
I ran down the stairs but fell on the last few steps, and fell into darkness!
End of Hazel's dream
Hazel took lots of deep breaths as she woke up from her nightmare. She quickly turned on a lamp in the room and saw that there was no one here.
Meanwhile in the living room, Zayn is sat on his phone. It's about 4 in the morning and Zayn can't fall back asleep. He woke up about 3:30 and has been wide awake since. Surprising? I know!
So far the band has performed 6 shows in North America so far. Lou has brung Lux in for a few shows and her and Hazel seem to get on ok. They talked and watch some cartoons. But Lux had to go back while Lou was with the boys cause she wanted to stay with her friends.
Hazel walks over to her art stuff she got for her birthday and started silently crying as she remembered her terrible nightmare.
She started to draw their London house. The bedroom's were empty a part from Hazel's which had a big creepy black colored figure in her bedroom picture.
Hazel was drew herself at the bottom of the steps laying down and faint lines to show she had been running. A few more details into the drawing and she was done.
A picture of what happened in her dream. She started to cry a little more but this time barely audible, but people could possibly still hear her.
Zayn, still sat on his phone, heard small feet walking but passed it off as his imagination from not sleeping when he didn't hear anything again. That was until he heard that one noise that breaks everyone's hearts. Hazel crying.
He immediately put his phone down and quietly walked to Hazel's room.
He walked in which scared Hazel. She was so overwhelmed that she was going to start making herself sick.
Zayn quickly took a seat on her bed and hugged her into his chest. Rubbing her back, trying to calm her down.
"Shh, Shh, Shh, it's ok. I'm here. I'm here." Zayn said, hugging her so close and never wanting to let go.
Hazel finally started to calm down but was still scared out of her mind. "Are you okay?" Zayn asked the girl. He felt her nod as she fell back asleep in his arms.
Zayn decided to stay with her and try and sleep with her, which worked for a little bit.
Hazel's dream pt 2
I woke up and it was dark, I looked for a light but I didn't see one. Instead I saw a black figure, in the corner of my room, AND IT MOVED!!
I ran to all my daddies rooms but they weren't there. I ran down the stairs of our London home and fell to the floor.
I stood up and ran into the living room. No one. Again. Where are they?
I turn around facing the stairs and I see the figure before I turn and bump into a wall.

Adopted by one direction
FanficHazel a 7 year old girl rescued from her abusive household and put into an adoption centre. Meanwhile Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Harry want a new addition. After coming coming back from a short break, they decided to add on to there little family...