Chapter 58: Panic attack

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3 Person POV

The plane comes to a landing and they all get off the plane, then grabbing one of their cars.

The drive home wasn't to long but Hazel, Harry and Zayn were all sound asleep, and it was 1:00am so it is expected.

Harry and Zayn were woken up and once they went inside they fell back asleep. Hazel stayed asleep and was carried in by Liam, who carefully placed her in her bed and tucked her it, and he watched as a huge smile spread across her face.

He then left her to sleep and went to bed himself like everyone else.


When morning came Zayn was surprising the first one up, soon followed by Harry.

The rest of the men woke up soon enough and they left Hazel to sleep. It was about 10:30 when Hazel came down from her room.

The day was pretty chill not much happened until Louis got an unexpected phone call during the movie they were watching.

Louis quietly left the living room and went into the kitchen to talk on the phone.

"Hello ... Really? ... So we can come round now? ... Okay, well we're in the middle of a movie, so how about we pop round after? ... Okay, sounds good!"

Louis ended the call and heads back into the room calling Liam out since he's at the edge of the couch.

"What's up? Who was that?" Liam asked curious since they weren't expecting any calls today.

"It was our Lord and saviour! He said we can head down now to talk to him and get a plan sorted out, I did say we are watching a movie and he said we can come round after that. Also his wife and kids are out for the weekend, he stayed because he has some work to do for the show but he's free for the rest of the day." Louis spilled out. "Apparently someone cancelled on him so now he has basically nothing to do until tomorrow." Louis added on.

"Alright, I'll let them know after the movie." Liam said they they both went back, watching the movie together.

Once the movie was over, Liam mentioned that Louis had a call and that they had to start getting ready for this 'meeting' they were away to have.

Everyone went and started to get ready, Hazel went up to her room to find a jumper since it's a little bit chilly outside.

As she entered her room her heart started to beat faster, she felt frozen.

Hazel quickly found a jumper and slipped it on, but before she could leave her room her heart sped up again.

She backed up to the wall and crawled into the corner and started to cry quietly. As she cried it got harder and harder to breath, her head was starting to hurt a bit and her eyes were all blurry.

The men were all down stairs getting on shoes and grabbing their phones and keys, All the essentials for leaving the house while they waited for Hazel to grab a jumper.

"Guys that's been 5 minutes, we should go check on her." Zayn said worried.

"Yeah, it shouldn't take this long." Liam agreed and they all started to head up the stairs.

On their way up they heard a loud cry come from her room, and like any parent would, they rushed up and into her room.

The sight was heartbreaking, Hazel was sitting there with her legs pulled up and close to her body. She sounded like she was struggling to breathe and she was crying a lot.

"Oh my god- petal are you okay?" Zayn said being the first to enter the room.

Like Zayn expected he got no answer. He sat down beside her and brought her onto his lap, facing side ways, and started to rock her back and forth, rubbing her back and just keeping her close.

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