Chapter 28: Concert/ Post-Concert

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Hazel's POV

"5 minutes." Pauly shouted as he entered the room. My daddies were about to go on stage.

"Ok, we better start heading to the stage guys." Daddy Lou says before he turns to me.

"Ok bug, we are away to go on stage, stay in this room unless your with Paul. When you are with Paul, stay right beside him ok?" Daddy Lou told me very seriously. "Okay!" I simply agreed.

Pauly said that after the first few songs he will bring me up the vip bit where only we are aloud to go.

"Ok, bye bug." Daddy Lou told me giving me a kiss on the head and a big hug. "Bye sunshine!" Daddy Li said doing the same as Daddy Lou. "Bye petal!" Daddy Z said copying Daddy Lou and Daddy Li. "Bye Cupcake." Daddy Haz says as well, copying the others. "Bye Kitten." Daddy Ni says giving me a kiss and hug like everyone else.

"Bye!" I said and waved them away. They all waved back and started running down the hall.

"Okay, it's just me, you and Lou." Pauly said as we sat on the couch with Lou.

I really like Lou. She's really nice and pretty. She played dolls with me for a little bit AND she did my hair!

"What would you like to do Hazel?" Pauly asked. "I don't know." I told Paul. There was nothing really to do.

"Hmm well, maybe if we're extra sneaky, we could go and watch your daddies now." Pauly told me to which I instantly nodded too.

"We need to be sneaky cause people are still coming in and we don't want them to see us." Pauly told me making me understand a little on why we need to be sneaky and why we couldn't go at the start.

"Lou, you coming with us?" Pauly asked Lou. "Please come!" I begged her from the door where I was holding Pauly's hand, just incase.

"Alright, I'll come." Lou said and I held out my hand for her, which she gratefully took.

We started walking for a little bit then I heard music and screams. We got up to the 'special area' which me, Pauly and Lou decided to call it, and Pauly gave me headphones which helped block out some of the noise but I can still here my daddies.

In the 'special area' there is a lot of space, at least enough to move around so I can dance. I loved jumping and dancing to the songs.

I looked around where all the fans stood and I saw someone I recognize. I don't know who he is but I feel like I know him. I shrug it off and continue dancing to the songs.

Pauly tapped me on the shoulder and told us that we need to head back so we will be in the dressing room for when my daddies come back.

I took him and Lou's hands again, and jumped around heading back.

"Did you like that?" Pauly asked as we walked into the dressing room. "Yeah. They were so cool." I exclaimed, jumping around hyper. 'Is this what the fans are like after the concert?' I asked myself.

"Yes they were." Pauly agreed with me. "Well kiddo, your daddies will be here in a minute." Pauly carried on telling me.

"Ok." I said and sat on the couch with Pauly. "Do you wanna watch some TV?" Pauly asked me, I nodded and we started watching an episode of Scooby-doo.

"And we're back!" Daddy Ni says as he enters the room all sweaty. He runs over to me and gives me a big hug, I giggle and hug him back. "Your all sweaty Daddy Ni" I told him, giggling, but I don't really care that he is sweaty cause I love him.

"Yeah, I am." Daddy Ni agreed. The rest all came in as well and they gave me some sweaty hugs.

"Ok, I need to get going. I'll see you all at the next concert." Lou says as she gives us all a hug. "Bye Lou." I say and give her a big squeeze. "Goodbye hun, I'll see you soon." Lou assured me and off she went.

My daddies all went and took some showers while me and Pauly continued watching Scooby-doo.

When the episode ended everyone was all washed and dried-ish.

"Alright bug, remember we said that our families are going to be here." Daddy Lou started, I nodded along.

"Well their almost here, they were just getting food cause they got hungry. Remember if you start to feel scared or uncomfortable, just tell us, and we will be here the whole time." Daddy Lou told me.

I'm scared but excited. I hope they are nice. Whenever my daddies talk about their families it's always good things so I think they are nice.

I sat on the couch hugging Daddy Lou and we were talking about the show. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"COME IN!" Daddy Haz shouted as he stood up and stretched, then in walked a lot of people. They stood near the door so they weren't that close to me. I just stayed hugging Daddy Lou.

"Hazel, cupcake. This is our families." Daddy Haz said. "This is my mum, Anne, and my older sister Gemma." Daddy Haz introduced them. I gave them a small smile and wave.

"Kitten, this is my dad, bob, and my older brother, Greg." Daddy Ni introduced his family. They look nice, I gave them a smile and wave.

"Sunshine this is my mum, Karen, my dad, Geoff, and my two older sisters, Ruth and Nicola." Daddy Li introduced. Again smile and wave. Daddy Li's family looked nice.

"Petal this is my family, this is my dad, Yaser, my mum Trisha, my older sister Doniya, and my two younger sisters Safaa, and Waliyha." Daddy Z introduced, that's a lot of sisters. I smiled and waved. His family also look really nice.

"And last but not least my family." Daddy Lou said as he picked me up and placed me on his hip, walking a little closer to his family.

"Ok bug, these are my younger siblings, Lottie, Phoebe, Daisy, Doris and Earnest." Daddy Lou says. Daddy Lou's family also look really nice. I wave at them then whisper, "Hi." It's very small and quiet but they heard it.

"Hey there Hazel." Lottie said. Although they look nice I think I'm going to stick with my daddies.

I placed my head on Daddy Lou's shoulder as he swayed me contently while everyone was talking with their families.

I noticed that everyone had a mum or dad with them except Daddy Lou. I wanna ask but I don't at the same time. I wanna know but I don't want to make him upset or get in trouble.

My eyes closed and I snuggled closer into Daddy Lou. His voice felt nice. I could feel his voice as he spoke and it felt amazing.

I must of fallen asleep cause the next thing I know I'm in darkness.


A/N: Hey!

Happy October!
I'm gonna try and do an update every week, so I'll try my best!
Also, chapter 28 💚💙 hehe
Anyway, how do you like the chapter?
Goodbye for now!

All the love, K x

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