3 person POV
It has been almost a week after the brits and the men are going back on tour very soon.
They are about two weeks away from their first show in South America, and a week away from flying over there.
Right now they are starting to pack a little... well Liam is starting to pack already.
While Liam is packing some stuff upstairs like clothes and stuff like that, Niall and Harry are away seeing some family for a few days, they should be back tomorrow afternoon at some point.
That leaves Zayn, Louis and Hazel. Hazel is doing some school work on Louis' laptop since she goes to an online school. Louis and Zayn are in the living room watching some football while Hazel sits in the dining room table doing her school work.
Hazel in trying to do some English and Literacy but she is finding it really hard. Hazel has always been struggling but never this much. Plus she has a test on this tomorrow and she doesn't want to disappoint her daddy's.
Hazel huffs, puts her pencil down on the paper and slumps in her seat. The task at hand is to read the paragraph and answer questions, but nothing is making sense.
She sits back up and re-reads the question but it still doesn't make sense in her brain.
It's like that voice comes back in her head and instead of thinking and going to get help she throws the pencil across the room, the pencil ends up landing in the living room, where Zayn and Louis are.
"We should probably go see what's up." Louis says, already standing up.
"Suppose we should." Zayn agrees right behind him, picking up the throne pencil that was laying in the floor.
"Hey bug, what was that about?" Louis asks the girl calmly.
Hazel sighs, frustrated. "I can't do it!" She exclaims pointing to the screen.
"Alright, well if you need help come and find one of us and we can help you, we don't throw things okay?" Louis asks the girl who gives a small nod.
"Okay so what do you need help with?" Louis asks pulling up a chair, Zayn doing the same on the other side of the girl.
"This." Hazel say's getting angry, pointing to the screen, then folding her arms and hiding her face in her arms.
"Hey, calm down petal. We are here to help you but you need to help us by letting us help." Zayn explains calmly to the girl. "Now can you tell us what your meant to do and then we can work on it together?" Zayn asks waiting for a response.
Hazel sniffles a little and then lifts her head and looks at the screen, and she takes a breath. "I need to answer these questions in full sentences and the answers are in this paragraph." She explains scrolling up to show them the paragraph, "But when I read it, it doesn't make sense." She explains putting her head back into her arms.
"Okay, well can you tell us about what the paragraph is about?" Louis asks the grumpy girl.
"I don't wanna do it." Hazel complains to the men starting to tear up, nobody would be this upset over some small questions, the men then thought there must be something else going on.
The two of them had a silent conversation and agreed to stop the school work for now.
"Okay, well how about we take a break, have a snack and chill for a while then we can come back to it?" Louis asked the girl hoping maybe having something else to eat might make her less grumpy.
"Okay." Hazel agreed, mainly cause she didn't have to do her school work right at that moment.
"Alright, you go with daddy Z and I'll get us all a small snack since it won't be long until we need to start making supper." Louis said already heading to the kitchen, grabbing some bananas, apples and grapes, putting them on a plate and also grabbing a small bit of chocolate for each that they will get once they're done eating the fruit.
While Louis was preparing the food Zayn sat with the girl trying to find out why she is so upset.
"Are you okay petal?" Zayn asks the girl after taking a seat, truly worried for the girl. Hazel hums a 'yes' dismissing the question kind of, she's more focused on the football game. After a minute she gets bored and looks up at Zayn who is already looking at her worried.
"What's got you so upset? It can't be just your school work?" Zayn questions, pulling her into his lap, hoping he's not a reason for her being so upset.
Hazel shrugs, not really knowing why either. "I'm just sad today." She says quietly, hugging into Zayn as much as she can.
"That's okay to be sad, is there anything that's got you sad?" Zayn asked hoping he can fix it.
"I don't know. I'm just sad." Hazel says again, her eyes watering, as they start to water she hides her face into Zayn's chest.
Zayn instantly rubs his hands up and down Hazel's back, trying to calm her down as she starts to cry.
Liam, being upstairs, here's the young one crying so he stops his anxious packing and goes to see what's happened.
When he makes it downstairs he sees Louis laying down a plate of fruit, and Zayn holding Hazel really close as the girl cries, also telling Louis that the girl is just feeling sad today.
Louis sees Liam and goes to explain what's happening while Zayn tries to calm the girl down and give her a bit of food.
"What's going on? Is Hazel okay?" Liam asks, scared that she is injured or something.
"She's fine Li, she was struggling with her school work so we were gonna take a small snack break, not a lot since it's 3:30 but just something to eat. When I was gone getting all the fruit out and cut Hazel and Zayn had a small talk and Hazel is just feeling a little sad today." Louis explains to a worried Liam.
"Oh poor babe." Liam says quietly, watching the girl as she grabs a piece of apple.
"Yeah, but we will need to get that last bit of work done. I would usually let it wait until tomorrow but the teacher sent an email to me yesterday saying that she's gonna have a small test on her literacy skills, just to see how she's coming along." Louis explains, also watching the girl. "So she need to do at least her literacy work, which I think is the only thing she has left." Louis adds on.
"Alright." Liam says. "Do you think she might be a little upset since Haz and Ni aren't here?" Liam asks, yeah they have only been away for a few days and will be back tomorrow but this is the longest she's been away from Harry and Niall.
"That could be a reason, yeah. I just feel like there's something else but I'm not quite sure." Louis says, looking at the girl who is eating more fruit.
It's not really but a little cliffhanger I guess. Sorry for any mistakes I haven't had time to re-read it. Watching the Eurovision while updating so yeah.AND HARRY SANG STOCKHOLM SYNDROME!!!
Anyway hope your all okay!!
All the love, K x

Adopted by one direction
FanfictionHazel a 7 year old girl rescued from her abusive household and put into an adoption centre. Meanwhile Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Harry want a new addition. After coming coming back from a short break, they decided to add on to there little family...