Chapter 14: Hospital

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Zayn's POV

Me and the boys were talking when we heard a sudden crash and then crying. We turned our heads as fast as we could and ran over to a crying Hazel.

"Petal, are you ok? What hurts?" I ask her, while trying to calm her down.

"M-my a-an-ankle." She said in between hiccups.

"Let me take a look at it." Liam said.

The ankle looks swollen and really red. Liam touched her ankle in a few places, probably to check if there were any broken bones. All Hazel did was yelp out in pain.

"I can't feel any broken bones but I think we should take her to the hospital just in case." Liam told us.

"Ok, let's go." I say and pick Hazel up, being very careful of her ankle.

Once we got in the car we drove for about 15 minutes before we got to a hospital. I carried Hazel in while Liam and Louis spoke to the people at the front desk.

"Don't worry baby, your going to be alright." I tell her. She just nods her head.

After a few minutes we got a room and a doctor came in to check.

"Hello, my name is Dr Danny and what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asks.

Hazel just sat their wiping her tears and then gave me the 'I don't want to speak' look. She did that a lot especially with new people.

"Um this is Hazel, and we were at the park. We were about to head home when she must of fell. She told us she hurt her ankle, I tried to feel around the ankle to see if there's any broken bones. There is none to my knowledge but it is very red and swollen." Liam told the doctor, who was writing down everything Liam told him.

"Ok, Hazel, is it ok if I ask you a few questions?" The doctor asked getting a nod from Hazel who was sitting up on the bed holding Niall and Louis' hands.

"Ok, was there anything on the ground that you fell over?" Dr Danny asked.

Hazel shook her head then said, "I didn't see anything. I was just running back."

"Ok. Is it ok if I have a little feel around your ankle just to see if I can find out what's wrong." Dr Danny asked.

I could see a lot of scared and worry in Hazel's eyes. She nodded her head hesitantly. "Don't worry petal, it's going to be ok." I tell her hopefully making her less scared and know that she is not alone.

"Ok." Hazel said. Dr Danny went up and started to touch her ankle. Hazel started to have tears in her eyes.

After a few minutes of crying and squirming away, we calmed Hazel down and Dr Danny checked to see if there are any broken bones.

"There is no broken bones but it is sprained. She just needs to take it easy for a few days. Make sure she rests it and isn't running around. If it's not better and starts to get worse in a week then come back and ask for me." Dr Danny informs us.

"Ok. Thank you so much." I say as Louis picks up Hazel bridal style. "No problem." Dr Danny replied and we were on our way.

We got into the car and Hazel was laying in Louis' arms on the drive home. She looked so cute.

When we got home Louis carried her bridal style and placed her on the couch.

We took it lazy for the rest of the day. We decided to watch all the toy story movies but by the third one Hazel was sound asleep. We bring her up to her room and kissed her goodnight. She is just the sweetest.

After we watched all the movies it was 10:30. Not bad. We all decided to head of to bed after checking Hazel just to make sure she's alright.

We all go to sleep in hopes for a good nights sleep.

Liam's POV

I woke up to little sniffles, I instantly get up and look at the time, 2:14 AM. As soon as I put my feet on the floor my door opened, and Hazel walked in, limping.

"Hello sunshine, you ok?" I ask her, picking her up and her instantly hugging into me. "Bad dream." I hear her whisper. "It's ok baby. I'm here. We're here." I calmingly reassure her.

"C'mon let's get you back to bed. Do you want a drink or something?" I ask, maybe that will work. She nods her head so I quickly go downstairs, then into the kitchen. I make her a cup of water and she drinks it, then we head back up the stairs, with Hazel still in my arms and her head resting on my shoulder.

We walk into her room and she lays on her bed. I kiss her and say "goodnight." Before I could get away she held my hand. "Stay with me please?" She asks. "Of course. Anything for my sunshine." I say making her giggle a little.

I got into her bed beside her and she fell asleep in an instant, where as I slowly drifted into a nice sleep with our baby in my arms.



Sorry I've not updated in a few days, been away on holiday with my bestie but I'll be here.

Thanks for reading, vote and comment if u want. As long as you like the story that's all I care about.

Have a nice day/night!

All the love, K

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