Chapter 43: Christmas decorating

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3 person POV

After the men told Hazel about Christmas, she became interested and watched some YouTube videos about Christmas and thought of how wonderful it will be.

It was around 2 in the afternoon and they had not long finished lunch. They had promised Hazel earlier that they would bring down the tree from the attic and start decorating for Christmas.

Hazel was beyond excited to start decorating and get into the Christmas spirit. They had also promised that tonight they would watch some Christmas movies with some cookies and hot chocolate.

Liam and Harry came down the stairs carrying a big box, and Hazel was jumping up and down in excitement. Louis, Zayn and Niall all carried down a big plastic box each, full to the brim of Christmas decorations.

"Okay, how about this, Harry and Hazel, you guys can start making cookies, Niall and Louis, can you two nip to the shops and get stuff for the hot chocolates and just anything else we need for the house and me and Zayn will get the tree standing. And don't worry, we won't start decorating until your all back." Liam suggested, which turned out to be what they did.

The tree the men had they had to build a little, and sort the branches but they knew that when Hazel would start decorating it, it will all be worth it.

"Okay cupcake, you ready to be my big helper?" Harry asked as he help Hazel sit on the countertop.

"Yep!" Hazel smiled up brightly at Harry, Harry smiling back, adoring the little one in front of him.

"Okay, what cookies should we make?" Harry asked the girl, already having a slight guess at what she would say.

"Chocolate chip!" Hazel said happily, slightly jumping on the table.

"Alright, I'll go get the stuff then you can help me make these cookies." Harry spoke to the girl while heading to get the ingredients for cookies.

While Hazel and Harry were baking, Liam and Zayn were getting the tree up, Louis and Niall finally made it to the shops and had been told in secret to go on a small search for some Christmas presents for Hazel. They were going to all go and have a proper look together at some point but just in case they saw something Hazel would like, they would want them to get it.

"Alright so we need hot chocolate powder, milk, eggs, bread, juice, chicken and vegetables. Was that all?" Niall asked Louis, who just came back with something else in his hand.

"Yeah, but Li also said if we saw anything Hazel might like to get it for Christmas, and I saw this." Louis told Niall while showing him a doll, this wasn't any doll though, it had some space stuff. So the doll can dress up and look like an astronaut.

"Oh my gosh, she'll love that!!" Niall squealed, Louis put it in the basket they had then they wondered off having a look at some deals, getting a few more stuff to put in the fridge and freezer, as well as getting some tinned food for the cupboards in the kitchen.

They paid for the stuff and started to drive home. Deciding to leave the doll in the boot of the car until Hazel is in bed so she doesn't see.

By the time everything is put away, the tree has been set up and has lights wrapped around it, and the cookies have cooled down. It's finally time for Hazel to decorate for Christmas!

They all started putting bobbles on the tree, while eating cookies and drinking milk, while listening to Christmas music.

Liam stood back for a minute to take a photo of the boys and Hazel decorating the tree, ready to post soon, but not right now.

Louis took this moment to tell Liam about their small purchase at the shop today.

"Hey Li?" Louis asked, to get his attention, talking quiet and quite reserved, which if you don't know, is not Louis at all.

"Yeah Lou?" Liam asked back.

Louis checking once again to make sure Hazel wasn't listening, which she wasn't, she was too busy with the rest of them, placing the bobbles around the Christmas tree.

"So me and Niall saw a little something for Christmas for you know who." Louis said, being smart not to mention her name for the reason she might listen and that would not be good. Christmas is a special and magical time, and they want to treasure that.

"Really? Is it still in the car?" Liam asked, starting to worry about if Hazel wound see the present, though he himself has no clue what the present is.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'm gonna get it once she's in bed and I'll show you guys it tonight." Louis said, then eventually him and Liam helping again. It wasn't long before it was done, and the only this left was the star to put on top.

"Alright sunshine, let's place this star on the top." Liam smiled as he picked up the small girl so she could place the star on the tippy top of the tree. And finally it was complete. Everyone started to clap and praise the girl for decorating the tree so beautifully. Now it's time for food since it's almost 6pm.

After a nice dinner that Liam cooked for everyone, they all got changed into their pyjamas, then back downstairs to pick a Christmas movie.

"Do you want to watch any of them?" Zayn asked after reading out the full line of Christmas movies.

"Umm, yeah. The grinch please?" Hazel asked sweetly curling up to Niall, loving his warmth.

"Okay, and good manners." Zayn says to the girl, then finds the grinch.

Liam, Harry and Louis, come walking through, Liam with a plate full of cookies plus a hot chocolate, Louis with 2 hot chocolate's and Harry impressively carry's 3 hot chocolates.

They all get comfortable and drink their hot chocolate while eating some amazing cookies, and watch a great Christmas movie.

By the end of the film it's like 9:00pm and Hazel is sound asleep on Niall, still hugging right into him.

"I'll bring her up to bed." Niall whispers to not disturb her.

Niall quietly walks up the stairs and tucks her in, kissing her on the forehead. "Goodnight Kitten! Sweet dreams! We love you so so much!" Niall whispered, kissing her on the head one more time before leaving the asleep child.

While that was happening Louis brung in the doll to show the other parents.

"Oh my, she's gonna love that!" Zayn said, just thinking about her face when she opens it.

"I know, right c'mon let's hide this then go to sleep. Goodnight lads" Louis said before leaving, everyone falling him upstairs to go to sleep.


Heyyy, not long now till Christmas!!

Hope your all doing good and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

All the love, K x

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