Chapter 56: Adults Chat

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3rd person POV

"Thank you and goodnight!!" Louis screamed out as they all ran off stage after singing what makes you beautiful.

This was there last show in Italy and they have a few more shows left of the Europe tour.

Hazel is in the hotel room with Paul. She has came down with a small fever, nothing serious but the men didn't want to bring her just in case.

"Hurry and get ready so we can head back. One, I want to make sure Hazel is okay and two, we should get some sleep before we have to travel again tomorrow." Liam said as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Don't worry so much Li, I'm sure she's alright and if we need to we can sleep on the plane or whatever we're taking to travel." Zayn said trying not to laugh at Liam's over protectiveness.

"I can't help but worry, and you know that." Liam said back as he zipped up his jacket. Though it was March already, it was still quite cold.

"I know, we're messing with you. Anyway, we're all ready." Harry laughed as he also just shoved on his jacket.

"Let's go then." Liam said, already leaving the room, ready to go back.

"Wait, guys, he's calling." Niall said, taking out his phone, all of them knowing who 'he' is.

"Hey ... Thanks! ... Okay ... Yep, sounds good! ... I'll let them know ... Okay, talk soon. Bye!" Niall spoke through the phone.

"What did he say?" Liam asked.

"First he said we did a good show cause he watched it on a live and then he said that he's been in touch with a court and we are going at the end of April/ start of May!" Niall said, very excited.

"Oh my! It's actually happening!" Harry sighed happily, "I never thought this would happen!" He added on.

"This is great!! We can finally be free! If we win that is." Liam said.

"I'm sure we'll win! We have to. Anyway, let's go back and check on Hazel, we have a busy next few months." Zayn said and they all continued to walk out and head to the hotel.

Hazel was hugging into Paul, she had fallen asleep for a half hour then woke up running to the toilet and being sick.

Paul felt horrible for the girl and knew that the men will try to cancel some of the shows to look after her.

Paul went and got a sick bucket and now they are sat watching Scooby doo, Hazel still loves the show.

The door then opened and in entered the 5 men quietly.

"Hi." Harry said as he was first to enter. "How are you feeling cupcake?" Harry asked as he took off his coat and sat down next to her.

"Sick." Hazel mumbled and stuffed her face into Harry's chest. Harry rubbed her back up and down and looked to Paul.

"She fell asleep about an hour ago but woke up and was sick in the toilet." Paul explained to the men.

"Oh, my poor baby!" Harry mumbled, still keeping her close.

"She's been alright since but I'd just keep her close and stuff." Paul said as he stood up getting ready to leave and head to his hotel room.

"Alright, thanks Paul." Liam said giving the man a hug.

"Anything you lot." Paul chuckled and left after saying his goodbyes.

Hazel was still hugging into Harry, she was half asleep so Harry just stayed there and kept on soothing her to sleep.

Once she was fully asleep Harry laid her in bed and tucked her in before heading through to where the others were sat, discussing what would be happening.

"So what's happening?" Harry asked as he took a seat.

"Well, We will finish our Europe leg of the tour soon, our next show is in two days in Poland, and then we'll end it in Spain with a few other countries in between." Liam started off.

"Management really don't know placement. We started in France then we went half way across Europe just to come back again!" Niall said, they are all sick of the constant traveling they can never just relax.

"I know, but hopefully after this court date we won't have to do that anymore!" Zayn said, hopeful this will all work out.

"That's actually where I'm heading. Obviously we haven't gotten a court date yet, but we will head back to LA for a bit so we can discuss what's happening with Simon, because that's where he is at the moment, and then we need to come back to London for the court date a few weeks later, it's a bit messed up but we should be fine." Liam ended off the court date plans so far.

"Will Hazel be with us or will we need someone to babysit?" Louis asked, knowing that his sisters would love to see Hazel more often.

"I'm not to sure but if we need someone to come and babysit I'm sure someone from our families would come and help out, I mean I'm sure at least someone from each of our families have said that they'd like to come and see her again." Liam said, getting nods from everyone.

"Do you think this will work?" Harry then asks. "And I'm not wanting a 'it should' or any hopeful answer, I want an honest answer, do you think this will work?" Harry asked again.

It was silent for a moment, everyone thinking, and trying to not say the answer 'I hope it does'.

"Whatever happens is what it's meant to be. But we are going to try our best to make it work and win, and if we don't then I'm not sure we can hold on much longer." Louis said, being the first to think of an answer.

They all sat there in silence again, just taking in the moment.

"It's past midnight, we should go and get some sleep, we have to be up and out by 10 I think." Liam said, breaking the silence.

"Okay, I'm gonna go check on Hazel before I go to sleep though. I wanna make sure she's okay." Harry said, moving away from the table, all the men following also wanting to make sure she alright.

As they opened the door slightly they saw the girl fast asleep, with her rosy cheeks pressed against the pillow and a smile on her face.

"I guess this is goodnight guys." Niall whispered, trying to keep his eyes open.

"Goodnight, I'll see you all when we wake up." Niall said being the first to head to bed, then soon each man following and leaving the girl to sleep peacefully.

Hey, how y'all doin'?
I wonder who is 'he'?
(I think we all know but ima pretend no one knows)
Hope your all doing alright. Stay strong!!

All the love, K x

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