3 Person POV
So far the uk and Ireland part of the Europe leg of tour was coming to an end, this was their last show of the uk/Ireland for now and they are ending it off in Scotland.
When the men and Hazel were walking in a group of girls, around the ages of 16-20 came and welcomed them with their thick Scottish accent.
The men were shocked to see them as they didn't expect fans to get round this way, but Hazel was delighted, she spoke to the girls, telling them everything they want to know. All about the cuddles, the food, the house and the most important thing, the love.
Hazel specifically said "But nothing compares to the love, I love them so much." This was meant to be just between Hazel and the girls but the men over heard and couldn't help but smile, knowing they're doing something right at least.
Eventually though they had to say goodbye, and now they're here, Hazel is in the room with Paul while her daddies who getting ready to perform.
She doesn't really want them to go, she just has this feeling like something isn't right and she needs to be covered up in cuddles by them, but she pushes it away because she knows that their job is important.
Eventually it's time for the men to go out and perform again before they fly over to France where their Europe tour will continue.
Lots of hugs and kisses were given especially since the men could sense a nervousness vibe Hazel was giving off, alas though the have to do there job.
Hazel was left with Paul and all was great. They were playing some games but then Hazel asked Paul if they can go out and watch the men sing their hearts out.
"Come on then." Paul says as he held her little hand while holding the door open for her to walk out.
Hazel was trying not to laugh at all the sneaking around, and eventually they got to side of the stage where Hazel can clearly see the men.
Zayn spotted her first and gave a small wave before heading off after his solo part.
"You okay Petal?" Zayn asked the girl, crouching down to her height. Usually she would stay away from the stage, what's different, the men don't know.
"Yeah, I just wanted to come and see you." Hazel said, giving the man a hug.
"That's sweet. Okay, I need to go back on but we'll be off soon." Zayn told the girl, standing straight again.
"How long?" Hazel asked, and she sounded so upset.
"Soon, about 30 minutes. You can stay here if you like. We can get you a chair and everything." Zayn said to the girl, already gesturing to some management to get one for her.
Hazel nodded and gave the man one last hug. "I love you." She said really quietly.
"I love you too, Petal." Zayn said and kissed her head. "I need to go now, here's your chair, we'll be back soon." Zayn told the girl and started to head back on stage.
As Liam announced 'best song ever' to play Harry walked up to Zayn.
"Is she okay?" He asked mic away so nobody can hear him.
"Yeah she's fine, she does seem a little upset but I don't know how to fix it. We'll just have to have a nice big warm cuddle and hope she tells us what's up later." Zayn told Harry who nodded as he listened.
Then Harry started sing the best song ever while still looking at their little girl from time to time.
About 35 minutes later, a little over what Zayn said, they walked off and straight to Hazel.

Adopted by one direction
FanficHazel a 7 year old girl rescued from her abusive household and put into an adoption centre. Meanwhile Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Harry want a new addition. After coming coming back from a short break, they decided to add on to there little family...