3rd person POV
Hazel's dream
I woke up and it was dark, I tried to find a light but I could find one. I saw something in the corner of my room. AND IT MOVED!!
I ran into all my daddies rooms but they weren't there. I fell down the stairs and bumped into a wall. I tried to open the front door but it was locked.
I heard a cough and Uncle Joey was stood there.
"You really think your leaving?" Uncle Joey questioned in a ruff voice.
I stood there scared.
"You know," Uncle Joey started. "You are never going to find you 'daddies'." Uncle Joey said.
"They gave you to me. Remember? They said you were to much. That all you did was talk, talk and talk." Uncle Joey said as he walked slowly towards me.
"So, how about we have some special, one on one time." Uncle Joey says as he starts to reach toward his belt.
I knew exactly what he was going to do, I closed my eyes and screamed.
"STOP LEAVE HER ALONE!!" I heard someone yell. That someone sounded like Daddy Lou.
"SHE IS OUR CHILD!!" I heard another voice yell. It sounded like Daddy Ni's voice.
"BACK OFF!!" Someone that sounded like Daddy Z said.
"YOU WILL REGRET IT IF YOU DONT!!" That sounded like Daddy Haz.
"WE ALWAYS WILL SAVE OUR PRINCESS!!" Someone who sounded like Daddy Li said.
I opened my eyes to see my daddies in front of me and uncle Joey no where to be seen.
"Hazel, baby come here." Daddy Li said as they all bent down to hug me. I ran into their arms and cried happy tears.
"Your ok, your safe with us!" I heard them all say in sync.
End of dream
Hazel started to wake up from her dreamy state. As she got out of bed she started to remember all that happened yesterday.
Her Daddy Li saved her. She ran out of her room and as soon as she laid eyes on Liam she ran up and hugged him.
"You ok sunshine?" Liam asked as he embraced the unexpected hug. Hazel nodded. "Thank you!" She mumbled into his shirt.
"What for?" Liam asked as he stayed still hugging Hazel, shocked that she is talking, as it was very unexpected.
She released the hug and looked up at him. "For saving me and for loving me!" Hazel said then went right back to the hug.
"Baby, I would do anything for you, and so would your other Daddy's. We all love you so so much. It's hard not too." Liam admitted as he took a seat and pulled Hazel on his lap.
"I'm really proud of you!" Liam said as he hugged the girl who wouldn't speak a word a day ago.
Harry walked in and took a seat opposite Liam, Hazel heard someone and instantly got up to go and hug whoever it was.
"I love you Daddy Haz!" Hazel said as she flung herself onto Harry. "I love you too cupcake." Harry said hugging her back.
Niall, Louis and Zayn all came in too and Hazel wanted to make sure everyone knew that she loved them all.
She went up to Niall first since he was closest. "I love you Daddy Ni!" Hazel said as she hugged him close. "I love you too Kitten." Niall said as he hugged her back.
None of the boys were really expecting this. Hazel then moved onto Louis. "I love you Daddy Lou!" Hazel said. "I love you too bug." Louis said giving her a hug.
"I love you Daddy Z!" Hazel said giving him a hug too. "I love you too petal!" Zayn said to his little girl.
Just as everyone went up for a big cuddle Paul came in. "Is everyone ready to start moving or will I give you all a few more minutes to cuddle?" Paul asked as they need to hit the road but wanted to make sure no one needed anything.
"We're good Paul. Let's hit the road!" Liam said as they all broke out from the hug.
"Alright." Paul said and headed off to the drivers seat to start heading off.
The boys all sat with Hazel in the main part of the bus.
Hazel was on her iPad, Louis, Zayn were on their phones talking to family and Niall, Liam and Harry were talking about a few meet and greets, and interviews they have coming up.
"We have 11 more shows left here in North America, then we have a week of interviews and meet and greets, then we have a month of free time." Liam went over, reading from a list he wrote out.
"Who is interviewing us, do we have anyone that we absolutely love?" Harry asked. "We do have Jimmy Fallon, and Jimmy Kimmel for that matter." Liam said look down the list.
"We are doing something for snl as well at some point. Oh here, we have James Corden interviewing us. That's gotta be fun." Liam added on.
"Oh my god, James and Hazel are going to love each other." Niall said, James Corden, a really good friend. They always have a good laugh with him.
"They will." Harry agreed. "Hey, it's getting close to lunch, wanna see if we can stop somewhere and grab something?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, sure. Where are we gonna eat?" Liam asked. "I don't know, wherever is close." Harry said.
"I think there's a good restaurant in the next town. I remember going there. They have kids meals and adult meals and they have great desserts." Niall said, remembering back to when he went and had some lunch with some of his mates down here.
"Niall it better not be Nando's!" Harry said, know how much the boy loves his Nando's.
"Actually it's not, but good idea." Niall said, with his natural cheery smile.
"No Nando's please." Harry said to which Niall nodded, "Don't worry, it's not Nando's." Niall said laughing a little.
"Good, I'm not in the mood for Nando's." Harry said. "Sure, Ni, go tell Paul and find him directions to the place, we'll tell them and get ready." Liam said as Niall stood up heading to tell Paul.
"Hey guys," Liam started, everyone looked up, "We're stopping at a restaurant soon for lunch, go make sure your ready." Liam finished off.
Everyone went and got shoes and hoodies and whatever else they needed on before sitting, waiting, for the bus to come to a stop.
"WE'RE HERE!" Niall shouted through. "Yay! Food!" Hazel cheered making everyone around her laugh as she ran through to Niall.
Time for a good lunch!
Hey, I think I'll update in a few days!
How's everyone doin??
Hope ur okay!!All the Love, K x

Adopted by one direction
FanfictionHazel a 7 year old girl rescued from her abusive household and put into an adoption centre. Meanwhile Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Harry want a new addition. After coming coming back from a short break, they decided to add on to there little family...