Chapter 51: Europe Tour starts

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3rd person POV

It was now almost 8pm and almost time for the men to take to the stage.

Hazel was currently showing Lou some cool pictures in her space book while her dads finished their warm-up.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Your on in 5 minutes, you guys need to get to the stage." Said one of their managers.

"Okay, we'll be out in a minute." Liam told the man as he left.

They all said their goodbyes and Hazel was going to stay with Lou, Paul couldn't be here for the first show but will be back tomorrow.

Hazel sat with Lou on the couch and was watching a Scooby-Doo movie through the show, and if Lou gave her a few sweets the boys don't have to know.

While those two were watching the movie, the men were performing.

Before the show Liam and Zayn explained to everyone else about the generosity of the woman, Nicola, and they were so thankful she was there at that time.

Liam being the one who gave her the ticket was looking for her and found her about half way through the show.

As the men were preparing to sing the last few songs Liam went to the front of the stage right in front of Nicola and shouted 'Thank you so much' leaving his mic away since he didn't want everyone knowing about what had happened earlier that day, not wanting to be classed as 'bad parents'.

Nicola shouted a 'your welcome' back and enjoyed the rest of the show, as well as the men knowing that their daughter is safe and there are in fact good people in the world.

As the concert came to an end they all headed back stage to their daughter to find her peacefully asleep, her head resting on Lou's shoulder.

"She couldn't keep her eyes open" Lou and the boys chuckled quietly as Louis picked her up and held her tightly.

"Thanks again for keeping an eye on her." Liam thanked, again, while all the boys nodded along agreeing.

"No problem, she's so sweet, I'd do it any day." Lou told men, meaning what she's saying, Hazel was such a sweet and caring girl and everyone admired that about her.

"Well we better bring her home and put her to bed, we'll see you tomorrow Lou, thanks again." Harry said as everyone started leaving.

The drive home was normal and quiet, when the car came to a stop at their house Hazel woke up, still exhausted, but aware of everything.

"Mmm" she groaned as she sat up rubbing her tired eyes only wanting to go to sleep.

"Shh, go back to sleep baby." Harry whispered from beside her, rubbing her back as he lifted up and carefully took her inside and put her to bed. "Goodnight princess." Harry said, kissing her forehead then leaving her to sleep peacefully.

The next morning,

Hazel awoke really happy, like her usual self, forgetting all that had happened the previous day.

Hazel's start to the new year hasn't been the best, but way better than the rest of the years of her life. First she had a flashback and really scared her dads, then she became sick, and then she got lost in the shops, but everything was alright, cause she had her dads to look after her.

By the time it was 11am everyone was at the venue where the men will be performing night 2 in London then moving onto other places around the uk and Europe.

Paul had arrived at around 12, much to Hazel's delight, cause at most venues the men play, Paul would take a wonder around with her then their final destination was to the stage where Hazel would watch her dads sing songs, dance around, and annoy each other a lot.

Once the men where done she would race most of them back to the room they would stay for the show, and Hazel always won.

But this time, it was different, instead she stayed in the room the whole time, drawing something on paper that she would let no one see, cause it was going to be a surprise.

The men usually take a long time out there rehearsing and today was no different so when Hazel finished her drawing she requested the help of Paul and Lou, to help her make this for her dads.

The drawing was of the room but it had a lot of paper in it each with a different letter on it, and a heart at the end. The words made was 'I love you' and then a cute picture which would be of the 6 of them and a cute little hand written note that Hazel was gonna write soon.

She knew they wouldn't have enough time to do it all for the rehearsal so Hazel and Lou started making the words while Paul went to find some string or something to hold the paper up, and to find more paper.

They just finished the words and hid them when the men came through the door, not suspecting a thing.

The rest of the afternoon and all the way up to the show was normal, the men messed around with the girl, watched a few shows, got some take out, and ate some ice cream. I know not to healthy but c'mon, they deserve a treat.

Then it was show time.

Hazel sat and drew her picture it taking just over an hour and then it was done. Lou had to head home, but before she went she told Hazel "Your dads are gonna love it. I know they will." And smiled her beautiful smile before leaving to head home for an early night before travel the next day.

Paul got to hanging the words and then Hazel's picture when it was complete. Hazel then wrote a cute note that she insisted on holding onto so she can give it to her daddy's.

'Dear all my daddy's,
I just wanna let you know I'm so happy that I'm your kid, and I'm so happy your here with me. The past few weeks haven't been the best but I know it will get better and it's already is because of you. I made this for you with only a little help from Pauly and Lou, but it was all my idea because I want you to know that I love you so much!
Love from Hazel'

Hazel folded the note not letting Paul see it at all and sat for the rest of the show watching my little pony on the tv, half asleep, but insisting herself to stay awake so she can see her daddy's reaction.

And then the time came, the final screams heard and the 'thank you London' was also heard, but Hazel's brain didn't immediately awake to it.

In fact she awoke to footsteps outside the door and immediately jumped up to see what's happening.

The door then opened, the men being quiet as usually Hazel is asleep, but instead when Zayn opened the door and carefully stepped in, then to his surprise, Hazel jumping into his arms.

"Hey petal." Zayn said as he held the girl, spinning her around then taking a look at what she has done.

"Oh my goodness! What's all this?" Liam asked in shock as he stepped in, then the other three walking in close behind wanting to see what all the fuss is about.

Hazel rubbed her eyes and laid her head on Zayn's shoulder, passing him the note, feeling too tired to speak, still half asleep.

Zayn took the note and opened it up to read it while the rest of the men were looking at the well drawn and coloured letters and picture.

Zayn passed the cute little note to Liam who was stood next to him and each of them took turns reading the note, and just hugging and kissing their little girl, who fell into a peaceful sleep in Zayn's arms on the way to the car.

And if the men kept all the drawings and the note, knowone had to know.

Kinda cute filler, hope you liked it!!
If u haven't already PRE-SAVE HEAVEN By Niall!! Coming out February 17!!!

Hope ur all okay!!! BYEEEEE!!!
All the love, K x

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