Chapter 13: Meeting Simon and the park

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Niall's POV

It's morning and time for breakfast, the most important meal of the day! I go down the stairs to Harry making some pancakes.

"Hey Haz, whatcha doin?" I ask even though I know exactly what he is doing.

"Hey Nialler, just making some pancakes for everyone." Harry replied.

YES, I mentally screamed of excitement. "So what are we doing today?" I ask cause I have no clue.

"Nothing to my knowledge. You have to ask Liam, he will know." Harry says. I just nod and then I hear little feet coming our way.

I turn around and see Hazel with a big smile on her face. She is simply the cutest. Zayn, Liam and Louis all followed behind her.

"Morning kitten, how did you sleep?" I ask her as she runs towards me and hugs me.

"Good, I had a dream and we were all riding ice cream cones on a mission to save the world!" Hazel tells me with excitement.

"Really! Did we save the world?" I ask also with excitement. She nods her her head and sits on the chair next to me.

I kissed her and told her "I love you." She just nodded. I can't wait for the day when she screams that she loves us.

Liam's POV

"So, does anyone know if we are doing anything today?" Niall asks.

"There is one thing we need to do today, other than that we are free the whole day." I say.

"What do we need to do?" Harry asks as he brings out everyone's pancakes.

"Simon wants to meet Hazel, and talk about tour and our album." I answered. They all nodded and went in for the food.

After we ate we all got ready a part from Hazel. She played with some of her toys while me and the boys get ready.

35 minutes later and now we only need to get Hazel ready. I made sure we had plenty time before we need to be there. We still had 1 hour and 45 minutes but you never know what could go wrong.

"Hazel, it's time to get dressed." I say as me and the boys walk into her room. "Ok." She says simply. "Wants your dressed come down stairs to the living room." Louis tells her. "Ok." She says again.

"Guys I think we should do something fun after we meet with Simon, and when I say fun I mean fun for Hazel." Harry says.

"Yeah, I agree. We could take her to a park?" Niall asks. "We could try and find one kind of hidden?" Niall questions.

"That's a good idea, so no one can see us. Let's start looking for some parks around here that are hidden or where not a lot of people go to." I tell everyone as we start to take out our phones and search up some parks near here.

Louis' POV

After about 5 minutes of us searching we found one that sound good. As soon as we decided Hazel come down and runs into Zayn's arms.

"Ok cupcake, we need to see our boss and he wants to meet you." Harry starts.

"All you need to do is answer if he asks you anything. Can you do that?" Liam asks.

"Yes, I can." Hazel replies confidently.

"Ok, let's go get a snack to bring and then we can go." I say and start walking to the kitchen.

We got some fruit stuff for a snack because we are healthy people, sometimes, and then we were off. We all got into the car.

Liam was driving and Zayn was in the passenger seat. I was at one side Hazel was next to me, then we had Niall next to Hazel and Harry was at the far end.

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