Chapter 64: Brits

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3 person POV

It's been about a week since the court case and nobody has been active on social media. The men spending quality time with their little girl.

They talked to James and agreed that after the Brit awards tour will continue then at some point a new single will be released.

Speaking of the brits, they are actually tonight. The men all have a nice suit looked out and a few days ago they took Hazel to pick out what she wanted to wear. She chose this cute yellow dress, with a small yellow bow that can be placed in her hair too.

The men had discussed a lot wether or not Hazel should come, and it came to the point where they didn't mind so they asked the girl if she wanted to stay with one of their family members for the night or come to the Brit awards with them, and obviously she chose to stay with them.

Hazel was so excited that when she woke up she asked how long it'll be until they have to go.

It was now coming up for 4pm and they are having an early supper, they will eat some stuff at the brits and after but just so their belly's are full for now, they are eating.

As soon as they were done, the men gave the okay to the girl that she can put on her new dress.

She excitedly got up and started to run up the stairs, until she heard her daddy Lou say, "Walk please, we don't want you hurt." Then she walked up as fast as she can.

The men followed her up after cleaning the kitchen a little, getting changed into their own suits, then getting their hair done.

Hazel jumps and twirled in the mirror as she looked at her self. She loved it. She felt like a princess. The only thing left was the bow.

"Daddy Z?" The girl asked as she saw him looking the mirror finishing up on his own hair.

"Yeah petal? You okay?" He asked stopping what he was doing turning around to face her.

"Yeah, can you do my hair please?" Hazel asked cutely, and Zayn just smiled, this girl was the cutest thing.

"Of course, anything for you." Zayn said making the girl smile wide and handing him the bow. "What would you like me to do with your hair?" Zayn then asked, not knowing what to do.

"Umm, can you put it up and put the bow in please." Hazel asked politely, and of course Zayn agreed.

Zayn made quick work on her hair and it came out alright, Hazel loved it and that's all that mattered.

Soon enough they were off to the Brit awards.

Once they arrived they all got out the car, Niall and Louis holding the girls hand since the place will be crowded so they need to make sure she's safe.

Once they entered backstage they met up with one of their good friends, Ed Sheeran.

"Hey lads, how've you been? Is this your daughter I've heard so much about?" Ed asked greeting the men with a small hug and waving to the girl who waved back, still holding Niall's hand tight.

"We're alright, been a busy few months, and yeah this is Hazel, how've you been? How's the wife and kids?" Liam spoke for the group.

"Busy man, you know the usual stuff, but I love it, and cherry and the kids are good." Ed replied, while going to get a drink of water.

"Yeah, that's good." Harry then said, and they carried on talking for a good few minutes until they had to go and get photos taken for the red carpet and some small interviews, then they had to start getting ready for the awards.

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