Chapter 10: YOUR FAMOUS?

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Harry's POV

I woke up to my alarm. Since it was 8:30 I left Hazel and Niall sleeping for a bit. When I got down stairs I saw that Liam, Louis and Zayn were already up and talking about the studio.

"Morning lads" I say as I walk towards the kitchen to make myself a bowl of cereal. "Morning, how did you sleep?" Liam asked. "Not the best after the Hazel incident. I just want her to feel loved and safe around us." I say in a sad tone. "What about you?" I asked.

"Same here." Louis said. "All of us got a not so good sleep last night but I'm sure we will get a better one tonight." Zayn said hopefully. I nodded in agreement.

"It's 9:00am. I think we should wake up Niall and Hazel. We will need to get going soon." Liam said. We all started to walk towards Hazel's room and we opened the door slowly.

They looked so cute that I took a pic. "Good morning" I sing as I open the curtains.

Hazel gets up and out of bed where as Niall just stays there. "Come Niall, if you don't get up soon then I'll have to eat your breakfast" Louis teased.

Not even a second later Niall shot out of Hazel's bed and ran into the kitchen. We all just stayed back and laughed.

"Hazel when you get dressed can you come down into the kitchen. I'll go make you some breakfast." I said and she nodded and skipped off to her cupboard full of clothes.

Hazel's POV

Harry just asked me to get dressed so I'm putting on some jeans and a white t-shirt.

As soon as I was dressed I ran down stairs and into the kitchen. Harry made me a bowl of coco pops. "Yum." I said without realizing, when I noticed it seemed like no one cared so I just rolled with it.

As I was eating my coco pops the boys were doing weird eye movements.

Finally Louis spoke up. "So bug, um, do you want to tell us about your dream? Remember you don't have to but it would be handy if we knew."

I didn't know what to say. "Um, I-my mom she was running after me, she had something in her hand. It looked sharp but I don't know what it was. I ran into a corner while she was running towards me shouting bad words and saying no one loved me, all that bad stuff and then I woke up as she was about to hit me." I told them still enjoying my almost finished coco pops.

"Aw sweetie" Liam said and all the boys came in and gave me a hug. "Don't worry your safe and loved in this house." Liam continued.

I nodded and whispered a "thanks." and then ate my last spoon of coco pops.

~ approximately an hour later ~

"Is everyone ready?" Liam asked.

I wonder, do the boys always take this long when getting ready? "Yes." Everyone answered Liam's question. Liam nodded and off we went, wait, where are we going?

Liam's POV

"Is everyone ready?" I asked. Everyone replied with a "Yes." and finally off we went.

As we got into the car I made sure everyone hasn't forgotten anything, but it looks like we are good. "Hey Louis, Can we quickly stop off at the shop, you know just to get some snacks and all that cause, I don't know how long we will be there for." I asked Louis since he was driving. "Yea, I'll stop off at the next one." Louis replied.

We were at the shop within the next 2-3 minutes. "I'll go in so it doesn't look weird ok?" I asked.

"Ok, make sure to get chocolate." Harry said. "Ok, I'll get enough for all of us. Hazel is there any specific sweets you want?" I asked. "Um, I don't mind, I'll eat anything." she replied. "Ok, I'll be back in a few minutes." I said and walked off.

As I was walking out of the shop, all I could think about was how much fans there was. I got to the car and quickly hopped in and told Louis, "Louis I would hurry and go before they see us." "Alright mate." Louis Replied and we were off.

The boy's were chatting and me and Hazel were the only ones not talking.

Soon I felt a little tap on my shoulder, I looked down and Hazel had a confused face. "You ok Hazel?" As soon as I asked that the car was silent. All the boy's looked at us then Hazel asked,

"Where are we going? And before who see's us?" She asked. "Well..." I started.

Hazel's POV

I am starting to get confused. Before who see's us? Did we do something bad? Who is Liam talking about?

All the boy's were speaking a part from Liam. I taped him on the shoulder and he looked down at me. "You ok Hazel?" He asked.

Suddenly the car went silent and I felt all the boy's staring at me. I then asked, "Where are we going? And before who see's us?" Liam had a worried look so I got nervous. "Well..." He started.

"WAIT!" Louis shouted, interrupting Liam, as he turned up the radio.

"And still for the directioners who have been requesting it everyday here is what makes you beautiful." The person on the radio says then a song started to play. I remember hearing this song before, oh yeah. The last time my mom took me out the house she put on the radio. I fell in love with the song, and I remember a bit of it.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else,

The way that you flip your hair get's me overwhelmed,

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't kno-o-ow,

You don't know your beautiful."

I sang quietly and the boy's must of heard me because they were all staring.

"Ok Liam now you can continue." Louis said with a smirk still semi staring at me and the road.

"Ok, well I'm guessing you know that song?" Liam questioned. "A little." I replied in a shy voice.

"Well me and the boy's are in a band together and that was us singing. We are off to the studio to record new music for our amazing fans. We didn't want our fans to see that we were all together so they don't suspect us making music." Liam told me.

I had a shocked expression on my face then Niall jumped in and said, "So we are kinda famous." I was in even more shock. I was to shocked that all I could say was "YOUR FAMOUS!"

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