Chapter 16: The drawing

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Hazel's POV

We all got inside. Harry and Louis went up stairs so I thought this would be the perfect time so they can't see what I'm drawing.

I ran up to Zayn in the living room, Liam and Niall were there to. They can know to but I mainly wanted to tell Zayn.

I sat down beside Zayn and he put down his phone. "Hey, petal. You alright?" He asked. "Yeah." I replied, "I saw Louis cry and I want to make him and Harry a picture to make them better." I tell Zayn quietly so I know they can't hear.

"That's a brilliant idea. If you go into the dining room and wait at the table I'll be back in a minute with paper and pencils." Zayn tells me.

"Okay, but make sure they don't know. I want it to be a surprise." I tell Zayn seriously. "Don't worry petal, I'll make sure they don't find out." Zayn reassured me, I nodded and now I'm off to the dining table.

Zayn comes back with paper and pencils and I begin to draw. I draw a picture of Louis, Harry and me all together with love hearts at the side to show them I love them.

As I was drawing I remembered back to my bad dream last night. I didn't tell anyone and Zayn did say the last time I drew to draw my dreams if I can.

I started to draw what happened. It was a different dream to what I normally have. I would usually dream about my mum and dad, but last night I didn't.

I started to draw me and the boys but the thing was, I was alone. In my dream they left me. No one stayed and Liam was the worst one. In my dream he told me that no one loved me. That's why I wanted to see him last night. I want him to love me. Zayn came in when I was finishing up.

"Hey petal, how's your drawing going?" He asked me. "Good." I replied. "I made this one for Harry and Louis." I told him and showed my picture of them and me. "Wow that's beautiful. They are going to love it." Zayn told me and I smiled.

"What about this one?" He asked pointing to my newly drawn nightmare. "I had a bad dream last night. You and all the boys left me and Liam said that no one loved me." I told him.

He hugged me tight, "Well I'm glad it was just a bad dream because we love you so much and thanks to Liam, we got you." Zayn told me. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, he really wanted a child so he asked us about it. Well, we all wanted a kid but it's like he knew you were there waiting for us to come and get you. If he didn't bring it up we probably wouldn't be here right now." He tells me. I nod and take in what he just told me.

"Now, why don't we go and show Louis and Harry you're amazing drawing?" Zayn asked after a minute of hugging. "Yes." I said loudly.

Zayn chuckled and we went up the stairs. Zayn knocked on Louis' door and opened it. When we walked in Louis was moving away his tears and Harry was cuddling him. Zayn whispered in my ear, "Their going to love it." I nodded and ran over and hugged them both with the picture still in my hand, Zayn left and closed to door leaving us alone, together.

We pulled away from the hug after about 30 seconds. "I made this for you guys, it's us 3." I pause for a second and give them the picture I drew. "When you guys walked out of Simons office you were sad and I wanted to make you happy by making a picture." I continued to tell them with so much hope in my voice.

As soon as they looked at it they hugged me, for a long time. "It's beautiful. We love it so much." Harry tells me. Louis starts to cry again.

"Don't cry." I tell Louis giving him the biggest hug I could. "I'm just so happy that I have you. This is the best drawing I've ever seen." Louis tells me.

Harry left us two to cuddle. I think Harry went to make supper and I don't know if any of the boy will help but Harry's food is the best.

I love them so much, but I still haven't told them.

What if they don't like me since I don't tell them I love them? No they always say they love me. Zayn said it downstairs when I told him about my bad dream.

I cuddle into Louis more. He chuckles and places a kiss on my head. I love it when they kiss my head. No one ever kissed me since I was a baby. My mum and dad never did, they wouldn't even hug me or anything.

I'm starting to fall asleep, hugging Louis, one of my 5 favourite people in the whole wide world.

My eyes start to get droopy so I close them for just a second.

"I love you." I heard Louis tell me.

Without thinking I replied with, "I love you too."

Then drifted off to sleep, peacefully, knowing I am safe in the arms of Louis!

I love them!

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