3rd person POV
The show went well. Fans were a bit disappointed and worried for Liam, as they thought he was sick, but still had a great time with the rest of the band.
Once the boys went back into the dressing room they looked on worriedly at their child, who was fast asleep beside Liam.
"She's just so precious." Zayn mumbled. "She doesn't deserve whatever has happened with her and her family." He went on, wiping a stray tear making its way out.
"I'm so happy we got her when we did." Niall admitted, agreeing to what Zayn had said.
"You boys should go shower and get your stuff together. We need to get going soon." Liam said as he picked up Hazel, gently. "I'll bring her into the bus, I'll meet you guys there." Liam added on as he walked past them.
The boys went and showered. Getting all washed and out of the sweaty clothes. Eventually they made it back to the bus.
When they walked in Liam was sat on the couch. Waiting for the rest of them.
"Is she still asleep?" Harry asked. Liam nodded. "Yep, she is, she must have been exhausted." Liam said as the lads took a seat in the room.
"Did anything happen when we were performing or when you guys came here?" Louis asked, curiosity taking over.
"Well she didn't speak at all. I tried but all I got was nods, shakes or shrugs. We sat and watched you guys on the monitor thing and it was a good show, I must admit." Liam said.
"One of my favorite parts was when Harry and Niall ran into each other and fell." Liam laughed. The others joining the laughing.
It was silent for a moment. Everyone taking in all that has happened. Everything that will happen.
"Do you guys think this will last long? As in Hazel not talking?" Niall suddenly asked after a minute of silence.
All the boys had been worried, no doubt about it, but Niall just wanted Hazel to be the happy little girl she was, all of them did.
"She did settle in really fast so I don't know Ni. We'll just have to wait and see and work though it. We have to be there for her no matter what." Liam said, no one knows how long this would last.
"We should head to bed. A show tomorrow, as well as traveling a few hours." Zayn said as he got up saying goodnight and checking on Hazel before going to sleep.
Hazel was sound asleep. All the boys had checked up on her before going to sleep, just to make sure she's okay.
And to bed they went.
In the morning Hazel woke up screaming. It was almost 5:30 and Harry had woken up around 5:00am getting stuff ready for the show, since he couldn't go back to sleep.
When he heard Hazel scream he headed straight for her room. Hazel had a similar idea and ran out of her room to look for someone. Anyone. Hoping not her uncle. But hoping her dads.
Hazel bumped right into Harry, Harry hugged her close before she fell back. Hazel looked up and saw who it was, as soon as she knew she clung to him, like she did to Liam the previous day.
"Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh, it's okay. I'm here now. Shh. Your okay." Harry comforted as he picked her up, hugging her, while walking to the couch in the main room.
Harry sat down and pulled Hazel on his lap hugging her closely, calming her down. Reassuring her that she is safe and okay. Still completely clueless as to what the nightmare was and how bad it actually was.
They sat like that for a good 30 minutes calming down.
"Cupcake?" Harry asked to get her attention. Hazel looked up to Harry waiting for him to continue.
"Are you hungry?" Harry asked, avoiding the dream that Hazel must of had.
Hazel nodded a little, she was a little hungry, but she didn't want her daddy Haz to leave her.
"Alright then, let's get some food." Harry stood up with Hazel right be his side, holding his hand.
They walked into the kitchen and Hazel did not leave Harry's side. Hands still tied together.
"Do you want some coco pops?" Harry asked the child. Hazel nodded her hand still clinging to him.
"Alright. Hazel, your going to have to let go so I can make you food." Harry gently broke it to her, Hazel shook her head her eyes starting to water. This is not good.
Harry picked her up and placed her on the counter, still holding onto her. This was going to be a serious talk, but a well needed one.
"Cupcake, listen to me ok?" Harry started, getting Hazel's attention. "I know your scared, but I'm still here. I'll always be here. I'm never leaving. I might not always be in sight, or be in reach, but I'll always be here." Harry said, and pointed to her heart. "I'm here because I love you and you mean a whole lot to me. It's the same with your other daddy's, they are here because they love you, they want you. They are so happy when they are with you and we all want to just spend time with you, hug you and play with you all day. So how about I make a deal with you?"
Harry asked, "How about, you watch me the whole time while I make you coco pops, then when it's done, me and you sit on the couch and watch tv while we eat? How does that sound?" Harry went on, they tried to not eat on the couch, especially when on the tour bus, cause it will probably make a mess, and no one wants to clean up mess.
Hazel nodded and slowly let go of Harry's hand. Harry made quick work to making the cereal then sat with Hazel on the couch watching some SpongeBob. While he was making the breakfast food, Hazel watched him and whenever he had to step away a little to get stuff and put away stuff she would start to get really anxious and worried, scared even. Hazel would bite her nails until he came closer and would shake her leg, she didn't know she was doing it and couldn't stop it, but everything was better once Harry came close again.
The boys woke up and sat with Hazel for as long they could. Eventually they had to go in for sound check.
They all went in, Hazel clinging to Liam and Harry the whole way in. Liam would stay with Hazel again and be 'sick' for the show.
The 4 boys went in for sound check and Liam sat with Hazel. She was on her iPad playing a game, sat right at Liam's side. Liam then had an idea that he thought would make Hazel happy.
He waited until the boys finished sound check, just in case she didn't want to come. Sound check finished fast and he told the boys his plan, now time to ask Hazel.
"Hey Hazel, there's a small cafe down the street. Do you want to come with me and we can get a biscuit or something?" Liam asked, thinking that a little fresh air couldn't hurt, as well as something to eat, a little treat.
Hazel nodded and stayed clinging to Liam as he made sure he had his wallet, then saying bye to the boys, that they would be back soon, and will get them something as well.
They all thought that this would be an innocent trip to the bakers, little did they know, there was a surprise coming.
Hey, how are y'all?
A little cliffhanger but not for long, I'll upload another chapter soon, just hang tight!
All the love, K

Adopted by one direction
FanfictionHazel a 7 year old girl rescued from her abusive household and put into an adoption centre. Meanwhile Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Harry want a new addition. After coming coming back from a short break, they decided to add on to there little family...