Chapter one

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Cassia Lavigne, an twenty three year old who's biggest dream is to become a singer. She sings outside of the streets to earn some money or just to get a little bit of recognition. 

She walked to her drawers and grabbed her white button up shirt, she folded the sleeves up a bit, she put on her Light blue mid waist jeans and tucked in the rest of the white button up. Casos grabbed her hair clip and folded half of her half into it, and brought out some pieces of hair strands out. She walked to the front door and grabbed her white converse that, the low top ones.

She walked into her Honda Civic and sat down, she started up the car and drove all the way to the book store that she works at currently, but before that she went to the nearest coffee shop.

She parked and got out of her car, she walked up asked for a black coffee. She stood aside since she waited for hers and others waited to order. She sat down on a chair and felt a pair of eyes on her, she looked up and saw a guy smiling down at her. She blushed and looked back down.

She heard the chair across from her shuffle. She looked up and saw the handsome man. "Hello?" She smiled.

"Hello, Dear." His voice was soft yet so rough and deep.

"I'm Cassia.." she reached her hand out. He looked down and held her hand "I'm Ikaris."

"Hi.." she chuckled. She just sat there awkwardly, she didn't know what else to do. "How are you?" She asked.

"I'm well. You?"

"Uh.. well Uh.. I'm good." She stared at him.

Then the baristas called her name. She stood up and grabbed her stuff. "It was.. it was nice meeting you." She smiled down at Ikaris.

Ikaris grabbed her hand and said "here's my phone number." He wrote on her wrist. "Call me." He winked.


Cassia was at work, the book store. This teenage girl walked up to Cassia and smiled "I am looking for the Punk fifty seven book? It just came out."

"I can check in one of these delivery boxes." Cassia grabbed a pair of scissors and went down onto her knees to rip the tape up. "Ugh I'm sorry." Cassia stood back up and grabbed a hair tie, and did a low ponytail. Her over grown curtain bangs were hanging on each side.

She went back on her knees and opened up the box. She picked up all of the books and saw that they ordered about ten of the 'Punk 57' books. "Lucky you!" She squealed. "The book is about thirty dollars, but I'll give you the book for fifteen."


Cassia scanned the book and read the back. "Ooo romance!" She wiggled her brows. "Hope you'll like it. If not, you have a ten-"

"I know." The girl cut her off and gave fifteen bucks onto the scanner, and left. Cassia rolled her eyes and organized the books from A to Z. She grabbed the books that started with A and put them all in Aisle A.

After six hours of working she finally finished work. She walks outside of the book store, the weather was a little cooler than usual. It was about sunset, the sky was purple and orange with a smidge of blue still in there. All was heard was the busy roads, traffic and everyone honking at each other to drive faster. But not many people walking, a few only passed by but never to the point where they would all be suffocating with the lack of space.

She was struggling to zip up her purse. "C-" Cassia bumped into something that felt like a rock. "Woah.." she looked up. Ikaris. "Uh- isharkis!" She greeted him, waving lazily.

"It's Uh.. Ikaris.." he chuckled. "So.. wanna meet my friends?"

"Sure..?" Cassia was confused. They barely knew each other, actually.. they didn't know each other at all. "We can drive with my car.." she suggested.

"No. A walk is nicer."

They finally arrived at a tall black building. "What's this?" She asked, looking straight up at the hundred foot tall building.

"It's my friends building. He's been wanting a new Uh.. what do they call it??" He put his fingers in the bridge of his nose. "A personal assistant." He smiled now that he got it right.

"So how much money would I get if I did work here?" Cassia crossed her arms and waited with a blank stare.

"You'd have forty dollars an hour, weekly. You multiply forty an hour by forty hours per week is one thousand and six hundred, so every two weeks you'd have three thousand dollars." He opened the door and let Cassia go in first. He laid his hand on her lower back and guided her to the CEO's office.

"James, she's here." Ikaris pushed Cassia inside and shut the door, leaving James and Cassia alone.

Cassia waved awkwardly. "Hello... Uhh... I'm Cassia Lavigne." She looks down at him while still standing there.

James looked at Cassia and had no expression. "Please sit, Miss Lavigne." Cassia sits down on the leather chair. She looked around and sees that he likes art, but the type of art where there was a hidden meaning. Either happy, deep, sad, scary meaning. She looked at the black leather couch and got goosebumps from the thought of being cold on it.

He was dark. He was cold on the inside, it's like his soul was empty. The way he dressed, all cooler colors, never anything bright. His tattoo's on his hands, it was all just sad and had horrible back stories. He was short tempered, if nothing went his way then it cannot go any-way. It only has to be his way. He was possessive. He always lost his mind whenever something wasn't nicely organized or cleaned up.

Then there was Cassia. The girl who loved bright colors, had a happy smile on her face every day. She always thought positively. She was super kind hearted, very open minded, adventurous. She was always up for challenges. Cassia was a very loving person.

"I don't know if I can be your personal a-"

"Too bad, you are. End of discussion." He stood up and walked towards his door. "I expect to see you tomorrow at seven in the morning. Wear something cooler, don't bring attention to yourself unless if I ask you to."

"Alright.." Cassia frowned.

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