Chapter twenty-seven.

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James sat on his chair in his room while he signed some papers

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James sat on his chair in his room while he signed some papers. He was on a call with someone else as well. "Yeah, no I told you! I need the bouquet ready at seven!" He groaned.

He looked up and saw Sam there smirking. "The roses need to be done at seven." He ends the call. He looks up at Sam and lightly smiled.

"How are you holding up?" Sam sat down on the chair across from him.

"I'm good, you?"

"I'm very well." Sam chuckled. "I've been seeing this one girl, her name is Jasmine.. and well... Uhm..."

James furrowed his brows, waiting for Sam's answer. He flicked his pen around his long fingers. "And?" He asked.

"She's pregnant. We fucked the first date night and then three weeks later boom, and I don't think I'm ready." Sam sighed.

"You knocked her up!" James shouted, laughing. "Jesus Christ, Sam" he shook his head in laughter.

Cassia barged through the door and walked towards James. "Here's some papers that Wanda handed to me that you need to sign." She mumbled before she walked out without even taking another look.

Sam hissed, staring at the door. "You guys are still not talking? After a whole ass month?"

"Today is the day we started dating almost a year ago, yes. I'm hopefully gonna try taking her on a date."

"I hope the best comes out of this."

James nodded his head, running his hand through his hair. "Me too." He murmured, signing more papers. "Anyways.. you should feel extremely lucky that you have a child on the way."

"Says the one who basically—"

"I know what I've done and I regret it." He cut Sam out. "You should never ever force a woman to do things she doesn't want to do, and I've learned it the hard way." He mumbled.

"I think a family for me is something that'll do some good for my life. Bring a new life here." Sam stood up and fixed his jacket. "Dude since when do you not wear any suits?"

"Didn't want to." He shrugged.

"Alright, bye" Sam rolled his eyes before he left.


James walked towards Cassia's office and opened the door. It was currently lunch so she was eating her rice and chicken that she prepared while signing some things.

Cassia looked up at him and rolled her eyes. "What?" She asked.

James locked the door and sat down across from her, resting his elbows on his knees as he just stared. "You okay?" He asked in a soft tone.

Cassia nodded her head. "Better then ever" she forced a smile. "What do you need?" She asked.

"I just wanted to see you." He shrugged.

"Why? We aren't together anymore" she wrote some things on her laptop as she drank her tea. "Something I need to sign?" She raised her brows as she placed down her mug.

James grabbed her laptop and shut it. "Want to go out for dinner tonight? Today is the day we got together a year ago and I thought that maybe..."

"No." Cassia stood up and tried grabbing her laptop from him. "James, give me my laptop back!" She shouted as she struggled to take her laptop from him since he kept swerving.

"I'll give it to you once you say yes."

"Oh for fucks sake! James, I need to get work done!" She spat. She grabbed her tea that wasn't hot anymore and poured it on James. "Get out of here!"

James winced and dropped her laptop on the floor. "Seriously?!" She scolded, she bent down and grabbed her laptop.

"Shouldn't have poured tea on me!" He stood up and took off his grey sweater.

Cassia looked up at him and stared at his abs, biting her lips. "I hate you." She stated before she took a look at her laptop and sees all different kinds of coloured indicating that it's broken. "Fuck!" She shouted slamming her fists on the desk.

James walked towards her and grabbed her wrists, he yanked her onto her feet and stared at her. "You're gonna go to my house and get me a fucking shirt, do you understand?"

"No I won't." She pushed James away. "Leave me the hell alone!" She walked towards her door and walked out.

James growled, he put on his wet sweater and walked out. He walked to where she was stepping into the elevator. He smirked as he stepped inside.

Cassia shut her eyes, her jaw clenching, making her soft jaw go sharp. "What do you—"

James grabbed her face and kissed her. Cassia shut her eyes and kissed him back, her leg lifting up to his crotch as she dragged her foot.

James groaned into her mouth as they kissed. He grabbed the sides of her hips and squeezed them. "Fuck.."

Cassia looked at him and bit her lips. "What was that for?"

James looked down at her bare legs and grunted. "I wanna fuck you so badly, Cassia.."

Cassia smirked. "Oh well that's too bad isn't it?" She patted his chest before she walked out of the elevator and walked towards her car.

James walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her, just staying silent as he kept a tight hold on her body. He rested his head on top of hers and smelt her hair, smelling that peachy/ rosy smell.

Cassia shut her eyes and took a deep breath of that strong cologne. She wrapped her arms around him and smiled.

"I love you so much." She heard him whisper extremely quietly. "I can't wait to start a family with you, Angel." He mumbled.

Cassia blushed.  She bit her lip and then pulled away. "I should probably go.."

"Dinner? Please...?"


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