Chapter seventeen.

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They got home and James immediately picked her up and walked up the stairs towards the master bedroom. "You're not all that tough anymore Hm?" He grunted.

Cassia laughed. "Fuck me old man"

James smirked. "Oh I will, and I'll teach you a lesson that no other old man would ever fuck you this good" he grabbed her hips and pushed her ontop of him. "You won't walk, I'm telling you." He whispered into her ear before he started kissing it.

Cassia moaned. She felt her hips start moving back and forth. "Mhm, feels so good" she ran her hands on his biceps. "Fuck" 

James grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it up. "Arms up" he demanded. Cassia obeyed and lifted her arms up, she let him take off the dress. "Wow.." he stared right at her boobs. They were big and round, perky as well. "Fuck, your tits are so fucking good looking, Angel" he wrapped his hand around her throat and leaned in to kiss her.

Cassia moaned, her eyes fluttering back as she felt him rub himself against her. "Please James.."

James smirked. "What?" He asked as he kept rubbing his dick onto her. "What is it?"

"Please..." she whined. She wrapped her delicate hands on his wide wrists squeezing them. "P-please— I need you.."

"What do you need from me?"

"I want your—"

James kissed her neck, sucking harshly onto it. "Want what?"

"Your cock.."

James lays her down onto the bed and takes off his pants, he spreads her long tan legs and stares right in between her legs, staring at her glistening pussy. "Mhm" He ran his tip on her slit. "Did you take your pill?"

Cassia nodded her head. "Pretty sure." He nodded his head and sunk into her. Both of them groaning at the euphoric feeling. "Fuck—you're so big" her back arched.

James started grinding his hips against hers, feeling how she completely sucks him into her. "Angel.." he whimpered into her ear. "Oh fuck, Angel, this—" he put his hand on her chin and leaned in to kiss her as he rocked his hips. "Your pussy is the best I've ever had." He slides his hand down onto her lower abdomen to increase the intensity.

Cassia yelped out in pleasure, her toes curling. She pulled his hair making him grunt. "Fucking me so well" she licked his chin.

James went harder and faster, feeling himself get close to where he needs. "Babe, I'm close" he moaned as he nailed into her.

Cassia was a moaning mess, her nails digging deep into his delicate skin on his back. "Oh daddy, harder" she moaned. "James, please go harder"

James pounded into her even harder, making his tip hit her cervix. "Babe I can't go harder I'll hurt you."

"Please James.."

"Okay.." he kissed her as he went harder.

The bed creaking, the head board hitting the wall harshly as they fucked.

Cassia felt herself get tighter, and felt even more pressure. "James!" She screamed in pleasure. "I'm coming!" She cried.

James nodded his head, riding out his high. Completely forgetting to pull out. "Fuck baby, that was a little too good." He gently pressed his lips onto hers.

Cassia tangled her dainty fingers into his hair as they just kept their lips pressed together, not even just moving.

James pulled away from her. "I love you, Angel"

"I love you too" she smiled, her cheeks rosy pink. She brushed her baby hairs away from her forehead. She brought her knees to her chest and shut her eyes.

James looked at him and smiled, he brought the blanket up to her. "Hey, you okay?" He asked in a soft voice.

Cassia nodded her head. "Yeah.. just a little sick, nothing else." She sent him a light smile.

James laid next to her, he stared at her. "You sure you're okay?" He laid his hand on her arm. 

Cassia nodded her head. "Just tired is all." She laid ontop of him and kissed him. "Cuddle?"

"I was gonna go make you a tea.." he chuckled as he rubbed her back. "Hm? You want to eat something?" He brushed a race of her hair back behind her shoulders.

Cassia shrugged. "I just want cuddles... unless if you need to go eat." She nuzzled her head onto the crook of his neck. "So tired and nauseous."

James kissed her forehead and caressed her head. "I love you, Angel."

Cassia smiled against his skin. "I love you more Bucky." 


The next day passed and James had to go to work, he quickly fixed his tie. "alright im leaving." He leaned down and kissed her cheek.

Cassia whined. "Jamessssss" she pulled him closer. "Stay!"

"Sorry baby, I can't, I've got lots of work to do. Just relax all day hm? Order yourself some food, or clean if you'd like.. do whatever you want."

Cassia nodded her head.


Cassia Lavigne

As soon as I hear the door shut I immediately sit up. I walk towards the bathroom and turn on the shower, I undress and step into the shower.

As I look down and see how bloated I am. Ugh I've been meaning to check when I'm getting my period. 

I shut my eyes and flashbacks of last night come flooding back into my head. Every-time we have sex it's so passionate, and it's driving me insane. James moaning is such a turn on.

After my shower I put on a white long sleeve shirt and black baggy pants. I put my hair in a low bun and then spray some perfume.

The minute I finish my bun I immediately have to throw up, so I get on my knees in front of the toilet and start throwing up. I grip the sides of the toilet as I gag, feeling my stomach feel better the more I throw up.

After I get up and flush it. I wipe my face and gargle with listerine, I spit it out and walk out.

I have a feeling that I just can't...get out of my head. I feel.. like I'm...


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