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"She's bleeding out!" One of the nurses shout before running towards one of the many machines she was hooked onto

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"She's bleeding out!" One of the nurses shout before running towards one of the many machines she was hooked onto.

James paced back and fourth in the room that Cassia was currently passed out in.

"Possible death" the doctor reports.

James looks at the doctor and then his crying newborn. He looks at Cassia and then back at the panicking doctors, and nurses. "Please help her!" He started crying.

"We'll help her don't worry." The doctor smiled at James before kicking him out of the room. "Here's your baby." The nurses gently handed James, Eden. "Hey.." He whispers. "Don't worry your mom will be just fine." He kisses her little soft forehead. "I love you so much, Angel" he put her closer to his chest.

Eleanor walked up to James and placed her hand gently on his bicep. Her face plastered with a comforting smile. "Hey.. you know she'll be okay no matter what happens."

James looks down at Cassia's grandma and nods his head. "I hope you're right, Eleanor." He gently rocks himself and Eden to keep her calm.


Three hours passed by and the nurses walked out of the room and walked up to James who tiredly held Eden. "She's okay. Small pieces of the placenta stayed attached but we removed them to stop the internal bleeding." She nodded her head before walking off.

James walked in with Eden in his arms, and Eleanor's arm wrapped around his arm. "You wanna hold the baby or?" He asks Eleanor.

"I'll hold her and you go talk to Cassia." She nods her head before holding Eden.

James walks up to Cassia's bed and smiles down at her. "I was so scared." He pressed his lips against her forehead. "Don't ever scare me like that again."

Cassia looked up at him with a tired smile. "I'm sorry..I love you."

"I love you more baby."

"How is Eden?"

"She's doing very well, she's super sweet and quiet." James nods his head looking at Eden in her great grandmothers arms. "She's beautiful."

"She is." Cassia says proudly. "I'm so happy." She sighs in content.

"Me too, and I'm happier knowing that you're okay now." He caressed her cheek as he stared a her in awe. "You're so beautiful."

"Oh stop lying, I'm probably so swollen" she rolls her eyes.

"I'm being serious, you're gorgeous I'm pretty sure our daughter takes it after you babe" he teased her before kissing her forehead again. "How're you feeling?"

"Like shit" she jokes. "You?"

"What about me? I didn't push out a baby"

"Right" Cassia rolls her eyes. "I'm hungry." She struggles to sit up so James helps her. "Thank you.."

Cursed // JAMES BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now