Chapter fifty-four

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Tw Abuse and mentions of eating disorder, and rape

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Tw Abuse and mentions of eating disorder, and rape.

James walked into the room Cassia was Handcuffed in. He gave her a plate full of mash potatoes and chicken with a water bottle on the side. " up I don't want you to develop another eating disorder, Angel.."

Cassia hated when he called her that now. "Please just uncuff me James..I won't run."

"Uncuff isn't a word, Angel."

Cassia's jaw clenched. "Please James..please I'll do anything."

James grabbed her hair and forced her to look at him. "I will not let you go Cassia because I love you." He smiled sadistically.

"Did you take your pills?" She asked him as she quickly ate her food just so he wouldn't take it away from her like before. "You know to control your anger?" She raised her brows.

"Yes Angel, of course I did." He smiled.

For a glimpse she almost saw the James that she loved but then when she realize what he's done to other people and to her then it automatically turns the entire page around. "I love you so much.." she whispered, hunching her back as she sobbed.

James got down on his knees and cupped her cheeks. "I love you more my gorgeous love." He kissed her forehead. Cassia closed her eyes and sighed "what's wrong?"

"Nothing.." she smiled up at him.

"You finish your food?"

"Almost.." she ate the last bit of the mash potatoes. "I'm done."

James grabbed the plate and chuckled. "Don't wanna eat too much now either remember what we said yesterday? Your weight loss journey starts today. Next time leave a bit on the plate."'

Cassia frowned. She brought her knees to her chest and buried her face in between. Her heart ached for her and especially for Eden because now Eden didn't have a father to rely on like she thought she would've had. This is the man she met the first day, the cold hearted, short tempered man in the office. This is him, not the sweet, caring, loving guy because that was all an act just to get her to fall in love with him.

He was rather a psycho with many mental disabilities, or he was just like that with a sick twisted mind.


Cassia Lavigne

As I sit there I just think about how he raped me last night. It hurts, it hurts so much because I love that man so fucking much. But he clearly doesn't love me.

He wasn't the James I love yet it's the exact same person this entire time.

I fell for the act.

I hear foot steps approaching, I look up and see James in one of his many dark suits, he smiles down at me and winks. "You're gorgeous."

Cursed // JAMES BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now