Chapter five

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TW: Sexual assault, fighting.

Loki's brother, Thor walked up to Cassia and smiled down at her. "Hello, Darling!"

Cassia blushed and waved her hand. "Hi.."

Thor looked around and handed her a card. "From James.." he chuckled. "I think he has a little crush."

Cassia gasped and shook her head in denial. She opened the card up and saw an invitation to a party at James' yacht. "This guy will be the death of me.." she mumbled, laughing. She looked up at Thor and thanked him for the card. "I'll see you there?"

"Oh, no, I'm going back home to Asgard."

"Where's that?" Cassia asked.

"Central Europe" he shrugged. "I'm gonna go visit my wife back, she's about to have our little one" he smiled like a little kid, brushing his long hair back. "I'm excited."

Cassia side hugged Thor. "You better send pictures!"

"Oh I will spam you"


In the corner of her eyes she saw Stephen Strange, one of the most successful neurologists in the country. "Hi, Stephen.. how are you?"

Stephen groans in response. He looked at Cassia and cups her chin. "I could be better, given the fact my girlfriend broke up with me. She fucked a different guy!" He whisper-yelled, throwing his hands in the air in frustration.

"That must suck"

Loki walks up to Cassia and wraps his arm around her waist. "Hey beautiful.." he kissed her forehead.

He looked straight at James and smirked in a mischievous way. He was known to be extremely mischievous, and to make bold actions.

James brought his pointer and little finger to his eyes and then pointed them at Loki to warn him that he's watching his every move.

Loki rolled his eyes, cupping Cassia's chin leaning down to pressed his lips onto her soft ones.

Cassia kept it short and sweet. She pulled away which made James laugh at her pure innocence.

Cassia walked up to Sam who stood at the coffee maker once again. "Sam... you got the invite to Barnes yacht party?" She asked as she poured herself some hot black coffee.

"Yeah.. course, I'm going all out since we have tomorrow off to recover." Sam laughed. "You're gonna drink with me okay?"

Cassia shrugged, she saw James walking up to them. "Hey bro" Sam and James dabbed each other up before pulling away.

"Hey, doll" James smiled down at Cassia.

Cassia smiled back. "So did Loki get an invite?"

"Yeah.." he rolled his eyes.

Cassia laughed at the gate James had towards Loki. "He's jealous that Loki gets in your pants and he doesn't" Sam says, teasing James.

Cassia laughed. She saw Loki walking up to her with her coat. "Hey what's wrong?" She asked as she turned around and watched her boyfriend come closer.

Loki shrugged. He looked at James and gave him a fake smile, leaning down and kissing Cassia on the lips forcing her to stay a little longer.

Sam looked at James and saw how his jaw tensed as he looked away, Sam smirked. "Alright, that's enough, save some for the bedroom" Sam says.

Cassia gently slapped Sam's arm.


Cassia and Loki were in his expensive black corvette sports car driving to Loki's manor. "I've got to sell some drugs to some people. I need you there.." he said.

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