Chapter thirty-three.

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"Baby?" James woke up Cassia by shaking her lightly

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"Baby?" James woke up Cassia by shaking her lightly. "Baby?" He whispered.

Cassia opened her eyes and frowned. "James—" she rubbed her eyes, squinting. He gave her a minutes to let her adjust her eyes to the light. "What?"

James pressed his lips against hers before standing straight. "I love you but it's time to get up. Since when do you sleep later?" He caressed her left cheek with his thumb. "You never sleep late."

Cassia nodded her head. "Yeah.." she nodded her head. "I went out for steak last night with the girls and now I feel so sick." She gagged.

James pouted, he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "You feel nauseous baby?"

"Mhm" she closed her eyes and yawned. "I really need a break, James."

"Baby, I need to work but I can't knowing you're not feeling well." He laid down beside her. "Should I take a day off?"

Cassia shook her head as a no. "James I'm okay."

"No. What if you faint?" 

Peggy started calling Cassia. "Hello?" She said just above a whisper.

"Woah you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good. You?"

"Well, I thought that maybe we could go out for a double date?"

"Sure when?"




James held Cassia close to him just in case if she felt weak. "It's okay, James, really." She laid her head on his chest.

"Your tummy still hurt?"


James puckered his lips, leaning down to kiss her. "James stop, I could be sick!"

"Then why are we out?"

They saw the Rogers couple laughing while sitting, with a wine glass in their hands. Steve looked over at the couple and furrowed his brows.

"Hey guys.." Steve mumbled.

"She's not feeling well." James clarified. They sat down and Cassia laid her head on the table. "Baby, why'd you say yes if you're feeling this sick?"

"I'm just nauseous." She shrugged. She laid her head on James' shoulder and cuddled closer to him.

"Have this.." Steve handed her a bun. "We could order you a chicken soup to make you feel better?"

"Oh thanks but—"

"Yes." James nodded his head. He stopped one waitress and ordered soup for Cassia. "Thank you." He nodded his head.


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