Chapter nineteen.

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Walking through the halls, she didn't even stop to go say hi to James. She has been ignoring him for about two days. "Oh my god, where the hell have you been?" Sam asked. He handed her a coffee.

"Oh Sam I can't have coffee right now.. I already had some" she lied.

Sam nodded his head. "Okay, I guess I'll just give this to your boyfriend." He winked. "How is he? He seemed a little out of it yesterday."

Cassia shrugged. "I-I haven't seen him in two days."


Cassia shrugged, her lips were in a thin line. She shook her head. "I don't know."

A door was heard, both of them turned their heads towards the sound and saw a very serious looking James. He saw Cassia, his expression softening.

"I'll be getting to work." Cassia walked away.

Sam furrowed his brows while he watches James walk towards Cassia. "Angel, you okay? Why haven't you talked to me?"

Cassia turned around and glared at him. She eyes his body before she looked up into his eyes. "Nothing James, I just needed a little break."

"Without telling me?"

Cassia nodded her head. "And?" She crossed her arms.

James was confused. "Why? What the hell did I even do?"

Cassia laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. "The talk in the kitchen?"

Sam walked closer and smirked. "Ooo what happened in the kitchen?" He asked.

Cassia sighed. "You seriously don't remember?"

James shook his head. "Wanting a baby.." she frowned, she felt her heart break. "You not wanting to have a family with me.." she whispered.

James sighed. "Seriously? This is what you're pissed about?"

Cassia gasped, she nodded her head. "Of course! Like what is the point of me being with you if you don't even want to marry me, James!" She shouted angrily making every workers heads turn towards their way.

Sam hissed. "Oh shit, James, you fucked up."

"Shut up Sam"

Cassia started crying. "Why don't you want a baby with me?" She slightly hunched her back as she sobbed. "Why does Natasha have to be in every decision you make, James? Do you still love her? Are you only with me because you're trying to forget about her?" Her voice cracked in heartbreak.

James shook his head as a no. "I—I don't want to talk about that."

Cassia let out a loud sob. "So you're not even going to deny?!" She shouted, wrapping her arms around Sam as she cried. "Do you love me?"

James grabbed her hand and forced her to walk into his office. "Okay what the hell, Cassia, what is all this about? Why are you just suddenly talking to me about babies and marriage?"

Cassia wiped her tears. James noticed how her hands were shaking. "Are you okay?" He asked, helping her sit down onto the couch. "Talk to me, what's wrong?"

Cassia stood up and slapped him. "Fuck yo—" she stopped talking, a wave of nausea hitting her. "B-bathroom, James I need to use the bathroom!" She ran towards his bathroom and kneeled down.

James ran to her and held her hair in his big hand. "It's okay.. you'll feel better after this." He clenched his jaw, shutting his eyes as he pinched his nose bridge with his other hands.

Cassia gagged, and gagged. "Damn Angel, you're throwing up a lot.."

Cassia finally stopped and grabbed a piece of toilet paper, wiping her mouth. She threw it in the toilet and flushed it. She looked at herself through the mirror and sighed as she stared at him with a hurt expression.

"You okay?"

Cassia nodded her head. "Can I just get back to work now?"

"You're my assistant so you need to stay here."

"I'm going home."

James shook his head as a no.

"I don't feel good! I need to lay down!" She shouted angrily, her emotions taking over. "I want to go home." She crossed her arms.

James shook her head as a no. "You don't feel good and I don't wanna take chances of you fainting in your house so you can lay here on the couch and pretend I'm not here." He said in a stern tone, pointing at her with his brows raised.

Cassia groaned. "No, James, I want to be alone!"

"Cassia I said no!" He shouted.

"I don't care about what you say, James!" She walked towards the door grabbing the door handle.

James wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up. He walked towards the couch as she kicked and shouted. "James I swear to god!" She hit his arms with her fists.

James threw her on the bed. "Just stay here, Cas, I don't understand why you're making this such a big ass deal!"

Cassia looked down onto her lap and sighed, tears falling down her face. "I—I can't tell you.. just— let me go.. please?"

James cupped her face and smiled at her. "I know exactly what's wrong with you.." he pouted.

Cassia's eyes lit up, the corners of her lips curling into a smile. "Yeah?" She whispered.

"You're on your period huh?"

Cassia groaned as she rolled her eyes, she pushed him away. "No!" She walked towards the door. "I'm seriously just gonna be at my desk, if you need something then email me." She spat before she left.

A red headed girl walked up to Cassia smiling. "Hi—"

"How may I help you?" Cassia cut her off, not realizing that she was being disrespectful. "Sorry..that was unprofessional. Please continue." She smiled.

"I'm Wanda and I'm a new worker here.."

Cassia nodded her head. "Would you like me to give you a tour or would you want me to get the boss?" She stood up from her seat.

Sam walked over to the two girls and laid his arm around Cassia's. "watcha lady's talking about?" He smirked.

"Im new here.."

"You're Ms. Maximoff?"

"Yes.." Wanda smiled, her dimples showing.

James walked out and noticed Wanda. "Oh hello, Ms. Maximoff!" He smiled, putting on an act. "So I guess you've met my good friend Sam, and my girlfriend Cassia!"

"Yeah.." Wanda chuckled. "You have a really pretty girlfriend by the way!" She winked at Cassia.

Cassia smiled, blushing. She looked at Hames and glared before she turned her head back towards Wanda and smiled politely again.

"Sam will give you a tour where the bathrooms, offices are, the way to the underground parking lot. You know!" He winked at Wanda, shrugging.

Cassia gasped. "On that note, I think I'll be heading back home to make my boyfriend something to eat!" She said in a sarcastic tone.

James rolled his eyes. "Come with me, yeah?" He reached his hand out to Cassia. Cassia looked down and back up at James, shaking her head. "I said I would go home. I'm going home." She wrapped her arms around her belly and walked away.

James has had enough of her childish games, he walked up to her. "Okay now seriously, Cassia what the fuck."

Cassia rolled her eyes, she walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the door to close. "Leave me be, James, I'll talk to you when I'm ready okay?"

"I love you." James whispered.

Before Cassia got to say it back, the door closed. "I love you too.." she said just above her breath.

Cursed // JAMES BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now