Chapter thirty.

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Cassia wore a a white floral jacquard cami dress with a pair of white ankle strap chunky heeled sandals

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Cassia wore a a white floral jacquard cami dress with a pair of white ankle strap chunky heeled sandals. She wore a bit of blush and mascara but nothing too much. She left her long brown wavy hair out on her shoulders.

"So Peggy, how are you and Steve?" Cassia asked, linking hers and Peggy's arms together as they walked through the mall.

Peggy looked at Cassia and turned red, she had the biggest grin on her face. Her red stained lips stretched as she smiled. "Well—" she bit her lips. "I'm pregnant!"

Cassia pouted. "Aw I'm so happy for you! congrats!" She kissed Peggy's cheek. "Does Steve know?"

"No..I'm planning on telling him tonight!"

"That's so awesome, Peggy!" Cassia squealed.

Peggy looked at Cassia's smile and knew that it was a genuine one, that she wasn't faking it. "Thank you." She whispered.

They walked into a Gucci store. "Buy something!" Peggy walked towards the purses. "You deserve some nice designer outfit, or a purse!" She lifted up a white round purse that had the two 'g's in the middle. "It's cute! It's for young people too!"

Cassia shook her head as a no. "Not my style" she shrugged. "But I could buy myself a nice treat." She nodded her head as she walked around, touching the expensive materials. "But I can't really afford anything here.." she sighed.

"James didn't give you his card?" Peggy raised her brows. Cassia looked at Peggy and nodded her head. "So use it.."

"No...I—I don't want it to seem like I'm only with him because of his money. I have my own money, and expensive things don't make me happy." Cassia looked away biting the inside of her cheek. "I don't even need any of this."

"Oh come on.. make him happy!"

"It won't make him happy."

"How so?"

Cassia let out a pathetic laugh as she shook her head, staring at the ceiling. She looked back at Peggy and sighed. "It'll make him feel like shit because he'll think I'm using him for his money. I have my own money and I will use it, I worked for my own money just like he worked for his own money and his own success and. I don't need to spend his money for some unnecessary materialistic shit, the money that he works hard for."

Peggy frowned, she stared at Cassia's face and noticed the anger she had in herself. "Cassia—"

"It's true, I will never be on the same level of wealth like you guys but never will I ever use someone for their money." Cassia said confidentially, crossing her arms. "I may not be able to buy this entire store like you but—"

"You're thinking too much about this. He wants you too be happy—"

"But I can be." Cassia agreed with Peggy. "I know that he wants me to be happy, but it'll make me feel like complete shit knowing I paid for this shit with his money. I may be overthinking but it's how I think, it's how I was taught."

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