Chapter nine.

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James and Cassia were on their way to go meet Thor's newborn daughter in Asgard. Currently they were sitting in James' private jet only a couple hours away from Asgard.

Cassia was reading a book and James was checking some emails.

"Cas, you want something to drink?" James asks as he looked at Cassia and smiled at how into the book she was.

Cassia didn't even listen. James rolled his eyes and stood up, grabbing her and himself a drink. "Here, I haven't seen you drink in a while." He said before he brought the can of ginger ale to his lips.

Cassia drank some too. "Thank you."

James leaned his head on her shoulder and shut his eyes. "Sit on my lap, I wanna cuddle.." he kissed her cheek.

Cassia nodded her head, she sat down on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. She laid her head on his chest, smiling. "You're like a teddy bear" she chuckled.

James nuzzled his head onto her neck. "I love you.." she whispered in his ear.

James looked at her in shock. He pulled his head away and stared at her, not knowing what the say to her. " love me?"

Cassia's cheeks burned, she stood up and nodded her head. She walked over to the other side of the jet and sat down. She was so embarrassed that she let it slip out just like that.

James turns his head towards Cassia and frowned. She looked at and then looked away, she walked into the bathroom.

James clenched his fists. "God dammit. Why couldn't I just tell her." He walked up towards the bathroom and saw her there crying. "I-Im sorry, doll.." he laid his hands around her hips.

Cassia keeps her head down. "How could I be so stupid." She sniffled. James shook his head as a no, he saw the somber in her eyes. "Don't cry because I'm a dumbass"

Cassia looked at him and waited for what he was gonna say.

"I-I love you too..doll, and a lot. I've spent so much time making sure you're safe, and happy. I've watched every move of Loki's ever since the beginning, Cas, you're all I ever wanted. You're a gorgeous young girl, your personality is beautiful." He leans his forehead against hers as he smiled at her trying to make the situation peaceful.

Cassia let out a jubilant laugh, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "I love you so much, Bucky"

"I love you too Angel."


They were in the car in Asgard, driving towards their hotel room. Well suite.

The building was dazzling, it looked quite historic. The entire city was filled with old tall Roman castles, and historic buildings, museums. It looked something like Italy and England mixed together.

"This place is gorgeous" Cassia looked at James in a content smile. James looked at her joyous expression, chuckling. "Why doesn't Thor live here, I'd never leave."

They arrived at the beach hotel that they were staying at, it was like a Roman styled building, stained bricks yet it looked outstanding.

Cassia held onto James' hands as they walked through the glass doors. They turned towards the man in a navy blue suit. "Name?" He gave the couple an admirable smile.

"James and Cassia Barnes." James murmured.

"Here are your cards, don't lose them or else you'll be charged for a new one. Your room is on the very top which is level five hundred, your room number is seven thousand six hundred. Have a fun time here." He prayed.

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