Chapter twenty-two

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Cassia kissed James. "I have an ultrasound to go see the baby..." she cupped his cheek. "Are you gonna join me and go see the baby?" She smiled.

James shook his head as a no. "I have— a lot of work." He lied. "Sorry.. maybe next time."

Cassia frowned.. she nodded her head before she walked away. "Okay.." she grabbed her purse and walked out of the house.

She drove to the hospital.

She registered and sat down. After ten minutes, Cassia was called. "Let's go baby" she rubbed her belly.

She unzipped her pants and lifted her shirt up. The doctor put gel on her growing belly. "Wow, you're already showing!" She laughed.

The doctor moved the remote around and turned up the volume for the babies heartbeat.

Her brows knitted. "Uhm..okay.." she turned her volume up a little higher. "Okay, so what I see is that the babies heart is a little weaker then the others. Don't worry, the baby is still healthy. It's just really young and probably just developed the heart." She nodded her head.

Cassia nodded her head.

"I'd like to have you back by next week. I need to monitor the heartbeat."

Cassia worried, she felt nauseous. Her head fell back onto the bed, staring up at the roaring ceiling.

"Are you okay?"

"I—I'm really nauseous and dizzy." She shut her eyes and rubbed her belly. "Sorry—"

The doctor nodded her head, moving the remote around to check the development of the baby. "Do you want a water bottle? Do you need a lollipop?"

Cassia shrugged. "Both?"

"Okay." The doctor walked up to the sink and grabbed a clean plastic cup. "I thought we had the bottles." She huffed. She turned on the sink water and poured some in. "Alright here's the water" she grabbed a red lollipop that was cherry flavoured and handed it to Cassia.

"Thank you." Cassia drank all the water and put the lollipop into her mouth. "Is it normal to feel nauseous all the time?" She asked.

"Yes of course."

"Are you sure?"


"Like one hundred—"

The doctor laughed. "Of course, Cassia, I am very much sure. I am a doctor."

Cassia nodded her head. "Fine"


Cassia walked through the halls, seeing Sam. "Hello Sam!"

Sam hugged her. "Hello bitch, how are you? And where the hell are you always?"

Cassia shrugs as she looks around, a smile plastered on her face. "Mhm, nowhere? I've just been a house girlfriend for James so far. Why have a job when you have a white rich old man to take care of you ?"

Sam laughed rolling his eyes in humour. "What if he was a black rich man?" He winked.

"Even better"

James walks up to them and side hugs Cassia. "How are you feeling?" He laid he hand on her belly.

Cassia frowned, she sighed. She looked at him and shrugged. "I— we're fine. They're okay." She nodded her head.

"You okay?" James asked.

Cassia nodded her head. Nothing was okay because he never cared for the baby, he never spent time with Cassia anymore. It hurt her feelings.

Sam furrowed his brows. "You okay?"

"I just wish he was there with me for my second ultrasound." She dropped her head. "Why can't you just... be there?"

James grunted, he wiped his lips before he spoke. "Because I don't want to be a father, I have told you this."

Cassia turned to him and shook her head in disbelief. "And we're back at square one?" She crossed her arms. "I can't believe you James!"

Thor walked up to them and hugged Cassia. "What's wrong?" He rubbed her back.

"He doesn't want the baby I'm carrying!"

"Fine, just tell the entire world you're pregnant!" James shouted.

Cassia looked at him and slapped him. "Should've kept it in your pants then!"

"It takes two!"

Thor looked at James and shook his head. "Not cool, mate" he walked away with her.

"I don't want kids!" He spat as he looked at Sam. Sam smirked, he hugged James.

"I'm surprised she even agreed to date you." He whispered. "That woman is a keeper and you're just pushing her away. Just accept the damn baby, I bet you'd completely fall in love with the child as soon as you see the newborn crying in the hospital room letting you know that she or he is healthy." He rolled his eyes.

James sighed, shutting his eyes to think. "What if I hurt the poor kid?"

"You wouldn't"

"How so?"

"Because I'll beat your ass"

James chuckled. "Oh" he walked towards Cassia, Thor looked up at him and smiled softest. "Talk to her. She's very emotional" Thor mouthed before he left.

"Cas?" James whispered, sitting in Thors spot. "I'm sorry— I— don't mean to push you away. I'm just afraid of hurting the poor kid."

Cassia looked up at him and sniffled. "I wouldn't let you hurt her!" She cried.

James grabbed her legs and dragged her to sit ontop of him. "Oh baby.." he rubbed her back. "I love you." He kissed her tear stained cheek. "I do."

Cassia sobbed. "Please James, just make it work with me!" She wiped her tears as more fell.

James nodded his head. "Okay—okay, Angel.." he wiped her tears. "I'm sorry for being so rude." He lifted her shirt up and looked at the little baby bump. "Oh..." his face softened, and so did his inside.

Cassia looked at him and lightly smiled. He unzipped her pants and slid his hand down onto her belly. "Hey..." he leaned down and kissed her belly. "I—I'm sorry.." he mumbled. "I'll try.. for your mother."

Cassia sighed. The fact that he didn't even care to say for the baby too upset her. "Whatever James, I'll just leave. I'm gonna go home." She zipped her pants back up and walked out.

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