Chapter twenty-four

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James stared at Cassia's fragile body. He watched her sleep as he cried his heart out, knowing she'll be heartbroken and that he had just lost his little baby.

He knew he made a mistake.

"I'm so sorry, Angel.." he whispered as he wiped his tears. "Both of you didn't deserve this." He sniffled his sobs.

Cassia shuffled around in the twin sized hospital bed. Her eyebrows scrunched up before she yawned and opened her eyes. She looked around where she was and realized what happened.

James couldn't bare staring at her hurt face, he looked down in guilt. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "I know you can't forgive me."

Cassia let out a light sob, she covered her mouth to make her sobs completely silent. She stared at the space in front of her and cried. "How could you! My baby was doing so well!" She hyperventilated.

James nodded his head. "You have every right to be mad at me, Angel." He said in a tone full of guilt and grief. "I just realized what I could've had if I didn't become such an asshole."

Cassia shook her head in disbelief. "We could've had it all..James." She wiped her tears.

James stood up and nodded his head as he tried cupping her tear stained cheeks. "Please—" she put her arms in front of her in defence.

James frowned. He knew what he did and he knew he was somehow going to pay for it, he didn't give himself any excuse. "I shouldn't of done any of that to you, Angel, I'm sorry but I know sorry doesn't cut it. Punch me for all I care, just don't keep this anger built inside of you in yourself." He mumbled.

She stared at him with a look full of hatred. Through her mind ran a way to tell him that she didn't want anything with him, she wanted to do absolutely nothing. "James.. I'm breaking up with you." She whispered in fear.

James stared at her shaken up body and nodded his head. "Of course, Cassia.. I understand. I deserve a punch too, maybe a kick in the balls as well. Fuck I even deserve to go to jail for putting my hands on you." He ran his hands through his sweat coated hair.

She nodded her head. "Could you Uhm...leave? I want to be alone."

"For sure. I'll pick you up tomorrow if that's what you want." He walked towards the door. "I—I love you, Cassia.." he struggled to say that.

Cassia stared down into her lap and overthought everything. She looked up at him and nodded her head, she didn't dare to say it back because at the moment she felt nothing but hatred towards him. She couldn't tell him she loved him when he put his hands on her for the second time and caused her a miscarriage.

"Bye.." James whispered before he left.


Cassia stared at her baby girl, ocean coloured eyes that could outshine everyone. Her smile was as bright as the sun, the flowers. Her thick brown hair made her look a little silly but in a cute way. She sucked on her thumb as she stared up at Cassia and James with a bright, beaming smile.

"Oh Eden.." cassia whispered, staring at her. "You're so beautiful."

Eden let's out a high pitched laugh, throwing her tiny chubby legs in her crib. She babbled random things since she was just six months old.

"Oh yeah, baby, I agree with you!" James caressed her Eden's cheek. "You're so right!" He acted like he understood her babbling.

Cassia looked down and smiled, caressing her baby bump. A baby boy on its way. "I can't wait to see him."

James kneeled down with Eden in his muscled arms, he pulled up Cassia's shirt and kissed her belly button. "We are so excited to see you, Levi."

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