Chapter thirty-seven

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Cassia sat on the bed eating a chocolate bar because James is forcing her to

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Cassia sat on the bed eating a chocolate bar because James is forcing her to. "Come on! It's chocolate! Who doesn't like chocolate?" He gently squeezed her small hands. "Hm?" He sat on the edge of the bed and kissed her forehead.

"James are we even gonna talk about what happened two days ago?" She swallowed the last piece of the chocolate bar.

James shrugged, he looked around. "I dunno, Cas, I was off my meds and clearly didn't handle my anger well." He looked anywhere but her. "Sorry I reacted like that."

Cassia hugged him. "It's okay." She kissed his cheek. "You should bring Billy here." She suggested.

James eyes lit up, he looked at her and smiled. "Really?" He asked.

"Yeah. I wanna get to know him."



Cassia leaned against the toilet shoving two fingers down her throat. "Get out!" She cried. Her body trembled as she tried forcing herself to throw up, her heart was racing. Her mind was racing.

James knocked on the door. "Angel?" His soft voice brought her back to reality. "Cassia?" He opened the door and saw her there crouched down beside the toilet. "Oh my god, Angel, what's wrong?" He kissed her temple.

"I'm sorry.." she cried. "I'm such a burden to everyone. Don't be here if you feel forced to take care of me, James, please.."

James smiled and shook his head, he loved her too much. "No way, Angel, I wanna help you and not because I feel forced. I want you to be happy." He reassured her. "I love you, Angel. I love you so much. You will recover from this okay? I promise you."

Cassia leaned her forehead against his. "I love you so much, James.." she wrapped her arms around his neck and clung onto him.

"I love you."


James sat Billy down on the bed and placed down a couple of colouring books on the bed with a plastic bag full of crayons, Markers and Pencil crayons. "That's for you guys.." he chuckled.

Cassia looked at Billy and waved. "Hi!"

"I remember you! Daddy always talked about you!" Billy took his Mickey Mouse colouring book. "I like Mickey Mouse!"

"Oh that's nice! And daddy talked about me?" Cassia looked up at James who was smiling while fixing his long hair. "Your hair got so long." She rolled her eyes.

Billy showed Cassia his previous colourings that he finished when he was younger. "Daddy told me we would become one big family and I would have so many brothers and sisters!" He happily coloured Minnie.

Cassia bit her lip, colouring princess Belle's hair. "Really? Anything else he said?" She grinned.

"He said he would wanna marry you!"

James huffed out of embarrassment, he ruffled Billy's hair. "Dammit William!" He laughed. "Why'd you throw me under the bus like that?"


"When's your birthday?" Cassia asked, colouring Belle's dress now. She covered her legs with her blanket and brought the colouring book on her lap as she leaned against the head board of the bed. "Hm?"

Billy stopped colouring and put his hand on his chin, looking up at the ceiling. "July fourth"

"Wow that's really cool, so you get to go on all these festivals and have lots of fun and see fireworks?"

"Yes, yes! So much fun!"

James sat down beside Cassia and laid his head on her shoulder, and listened to the two people he loves the most interact and get to know each other. "I love you." He whispered in Cassia's ear, kissing her cheek.

Cassia's chest warmed. "I love you." She pecked his cheek.

"When is your birfday?"

"It's January seventh." She pouted. "I'm a winter baby"

"That's stupid"

"Billy" James rolled his eyes. "Watch your mouth little boy"

Cassia laughed. "It's okay!" She patted James' thigh. "Yeah it is stupid. But my mom decided to—"


Cassia, James and Billy turn their heads towards the door and see the Roger's family all happy. "Hi, Cassia!" Peggy walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "I missed you so so much!"

"How's the little one doing?" Cassia asked, looking over at the stroller.

"He's okay!" Peggy's heals clicked as she walked towards the stroller to pick up her son. "His name is Jasper." She smiled, caressing her sons head top.

"He's five months right?"


Cassia held him and smiled down at Jasper. "Hi little man" she kissed her forehead. "Hi!" She said in a breathy high pitched tone. "Hi baby!"

Jasper smiled, looking at Cassia babbling words that aren't words. "Oh you trying to talk?" Cassia booped Jasper's nose. "You look like Steve!"

James held Jasper's little hand and shook it lightly. "You are so precious"

Steve looked at the two and then at Peggy. "How much you wanna bet that they're gonna have kids now?" He mouthed.

"Five" Peggy held out her hand.



"Come here Billy, no need to be afraid okay?" Cassia welcomed him in her arms.  Billy happily laid his head on her chest and wrapped his small arms around her.

"My mom never let me hug her." He mumbled. Cassia looked up at James frowning at that. "She really was rude!"

"Oh how so?"

"She lock me in basement when I would cry or when I say I would be hungry."

Cassia caressed Billy's hair. "So she'd yell at you when you told her you were just hungry?"


Cassia shed a tear. "I'm so sorry about that baby. You are in better hands now, I promise. I can be the mother you always wanted Billy."

"Really?" Billy lifted his head up at meet Cassia's eyes.

"Course. I want you to be happy and we get along so well, and I love your dad."

"Yay!" Billy started jumping on the hospital bed.

The nurse came into the room and smiled, waving at Billy. "Hi buddy! I'm just here to give Miss. Lavigne her food." She placed the food on the desk beside Cassia's bed on the left side. "You want something too?"

"It's okay, I'll give him my juice box and the—"

"No.. sorry the doctor said he wants you to eat it all."

"Oh..okay." Cassia sighed.

"Don't worry I'll bring him something too."

Cassia nodded her head. "Okay."

James sat down on the bed and helped Cassia open her food. "You can do this okay? You're strong." James assured Cassia. "Remember you need food to live. It's like a car, you don't put gas in it and it won't work." He kissed her forehead.

"I'll try." Cassia smiled softly at him.

"You have to, please."

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