Chapter fourty-five

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Cassia ran towards the washroom and got on her knees, immediately gagging into the toilet

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Cassia ran towards the washroom and got on her knees, immediately gagging into the toilet. She grilled the toilet seat as hard as she could.

James ran inside the washroom and grabbed her hair. "Oh baby.." he frowned as he rubbed her back for comfort. "You okay?"

Cassia finished throwing up and looked at James with a glare. "If I was okay then I wouldn't be throwing up!" She shouted.

The further she got in the pregnancy, the more her attitude rises. "Okay.." James rolled his eyes before standing up and helping her stand up. She wouldn't stand up. "Cassia stand up.."

"No. I don't need your help, I'm an independent woman" she got up on her own. She flushed the toilet and started brushing her teeth.

James stared at her with a playful grin. He knew that it was just her hormones messing with her, but he thought it was adorable. "You okay?"

Cassia nodded her head. "I'm okay."


Cassia struggled to dress up. "For fucks sake!" She shouted, throwing the pile of clothes that use to be big for her are small for her now on the grey coloured wooden floor.

James held his laptop since he was working from home now that Cassia was further into the pregnancy and needed his help. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing fits me! It's all your fault James!" She shouted, kicking the pile. "Look at me! I'm a pig!" She stared at herself through the mirror, running her hand through her big belly.

"You're not a pig." James lays his head on her shoulder as he stares at her through the mirror as well. "You're a woman. I don't want you to look like a child, Cas. You need some fat in your body to survive. You are growing a literal child in your body right now, stop being so harsh on yourself and be proud that you even got the opportunity to grow a baby." He winked at her, kissing her neck gently. "Cause I sure as hell know that I'm one proud man."

Cassia smiled. "Yeah sometimes I just forget that I'm carrying a baby that We made. I am too hard on myself and never take the time to realize that I'm not the only one in my body at the moment." She rubbed her belly and chuckled. She thought of all the future things they'll do as a small family, bike rides, their little girls first time walking, Billy meeting her for the first time, her first boyfriend, her first time getting her period, going to school for the first time.

Cassia was too excited.

"You excited?" James asked. 

"Yes" she nodded her head. "I'm extremely excited. You?"

"I'm super excited." He smiled. He wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her. "I love you."

"I love you more."


They went to go visit the agency. "Oh hi, Cassia, wow look at that belly!" Wanda pointed at Cassia's belly and smiled softly at her with a clipboard in her left arm. "She's really growing in there!"

Cursed // JAMES BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now