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Cassia laid in the bed with tears streaming down her face

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Cassia laid in the bed with tears streaming down her face. "Cassia calm down please?" James frowned. He saw how much pain she was in and his heart broke at the sight of her struggling to breathe. "Cassia listen to me."

Cassia looked at him with teary eyes. "You're going to be okay." He smiled at her reassuringly. "I love you, in a couple of hours we'll see our little Angel."

Cassia nodded her head as she wiped her thick tears. She looked out the window and saw snow falling down from the gloomy sky.

James grabbed her hand and caressed her palm. "It's okay." He repeated himself to calm her down. "Everything will be okay, I promise." He nodded his head at her. "I love you so much."

Cassia looked at James and nodded her head. "I love you," her voice trembled with fear. "I don't know if I'm gonna survive."

"You will, I promise." He whispered. He wiped her tears for her. "You're okay."

Cassia looked at her belly and cried. "I love her but I'm so scared"

"I know." James nodded his head. He looked at the door and saw the shadow of someone, he smiled. "I have a surprise for you." He walked towards the door and opened it.

Her grandma walked in with a bright smile on her face. She looked at Cassia and started crying. "Oh baby!" She walked over to her and kissed the tip of her nose. "How're you feeling?"

Cassia shrugged. "From my waist down everything hurts." She smiled at her grandma. "I'm so tired.." she wiped her tears, wrapping her hands under her belly.

Eleanor looked down at her belly and chuckled. "She'll be out soon don't you worry." She winked at Cassia. She caresses Cassia's head. "I remember when you were a little baby and now you're having one."

Cassia stared at her grandma in awe. "What type of kid was I?"

"You were very artistic, you loved singing. Why'd you even stop?"

"I got busy."

"You loved to dance, you were a loud sassy girl. You also loved fashion and always get mad at your father for—"

"Don't speak of him."

"Sorry dear." Eleanor leaned down and kissed Cassia's forehead. "You always cried when you got just a little stain on your shirt or pants."

Cassia chuckled. "So I was a pain in the ass?"

"Sorta but in a funny way instead of an annoying way." She nodded her head.

Cassia laughed before whimpering in pain. "Shit!" She yelled. Her face becoming red, veins popping out. "Where is the fucking doctor? I'm gonna fucking die in here because of the pain!"

James leaned down and cupped Cassia's swollen face. "Cassia, calm down. You're stressing your body more. Count to ten and calm down alright?"

Cassia huffed, she closed her eyes and nodded her head. "Yeah whatever.." she slowly breathed in and out.

The doctor walked in and had done some tests. "So sorry.." she mumbled. "So let's take a look at how dilated you are." She smiled at Cassia.

Cassia nodded her head. "Alright."

"Wow! Ten centimetres! Alright, you can start pushing soon."

Cassia looked at James with panic, her lips quivering in fear. Her heart making her chest feel tight with the rapid beating.

James stared at Cassia and noticed her lips swollen and purple, her face was paler than usual and her under eyes were dark. Her curly hair sticking out of her messy bun.

The nurses and other helpers walked into the room which made Cassia panic even more. "James.." she looked at him.

James walked over to Cassia and wrapped his arms around her back. "What's wrong?" He whispered into her ear. "Hm?"

Cassia started hysterically crying. "James I can't.." she sobbed onto his shoulder. "I don't feel well, I feel so weak.. I feel like I'm dying"

James cupped Cassie's face and stared right into her eyes. "Don't. You are going to survive and you are going to be an amazing mother. You are going to live a crazy eventful life with me, Billy and our little baby girl." He pressed his lips against hers. "Promise me you won't give up."

"James I can't promise that.." she looked down at the bed.

"Promise" he begged. "I love you and I'm not losing you."

"I love you."

"Promise me.."

"I promise.."

"Ma'am..?" The doctor walked up to Eleanor. "Are you sure you want to be here? This will be stressful, and you're an older woman. We need to look at your health first, I know you want to be here with her but you have to put yourself first."

Eleanor looked at Cassia, always putting her first. "I'm staying." She nodded her head.



"Alright momma, push in one, two, three"

Cassia grabbed onto James' arm, screaming in pain as she pushed. Her insides feeling like they're being ripped out.

James fixed Cassia's hair. "It's okay.." he whispered to her. "You can do this."!

Cassia started crying. "Push again!" Cassia sits up slightly with her legs spread apart and shouts in pain, her eyes shut as she grips hard onto James' wrist for support.

James stared at Cassia struggle and felt really bad for her. He didn't know it would've been that hard for her. "You're doing so well, Angel." He frowned at her.

"We see the legs!" One nurse shouted.

Cassia's eyes opened and lit up, she looked at James with a smile. "She's here soon.." she murmured before she started pushing again. She screamed, her nails digging into James' skin.

James started crying. He didn't like to see the intense pain she was in, and it broke his heart knowing he can't do anything about it.

"Cassia it's okay.." he whispered, reassuring her even though it sounded like he was reassuring himself more. "I love you so much, and I'm so fucking proud of you." He kissed her forehead.

Cassia looked into the doctors eyes mentally asking for help. "Don't worry, Cassia it's almost over" she smiled at her.

Cassia nodded her head. "I'm so tired and dizzy." She sighed.

James kissed her hand. "I love you."

"One last push!" The doctor shouts.

Cassia looks at James and smiles. "Kiss me.." James leaned down and kissed her on the lips, his hand caressing her cheek.

After he pulled away, Cassia pushed as hard as she could, whining in agony. She gripped onto the bed sheets under her. "James!!" She screamed when she felt something big go through her, a release.

A baby crying. A high pitched loud voice.

Cassia looked at James with a lazy, and tired smile. She looked at her crying baby and started crying too. "My Angel!" She laid her hands on her left side of the chest. "Oh my baby" she frowned.

James looked at his newborn girl and started crying, he walked off to a corner and sobbed there quietly.

Cassia's vision suddenly blurs. Her eyes roll back as she passes out.

"Cassia!" James shouts.

Cursed // JAMES BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now