Chapter eleven.

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Cassia looked at James' shocked face. "What's wrong?" She asked. She turned her head towards what he was looking at. Her brows knit in confusion.

James gulped. "Nat?" His voice was shaky.

Nat smirked and walked up to the two. "I'm here to meet Thor's baby." She crossed her arms.

James nodded his head. "Alright..well we'll get going." He grabbed Cassia's hand again.

Cassia didn't question anything since she knew how much she's hurt him. So she just wrapped her arm around his as they walked away.


"We should go to a party?" Cassia suggested, walking up the swirly stairs to go to their huge bedroom.

James shrugged. He looked at Cassia and gasped. "Angel, that's— that's gorgeous on you." His legs roamed down to her toned legs. "You're sexy. You're lucky we fucked yesterday because I would've fucked you right now."

"Who said you couldn't fuck me everyday at night?" She slowly sat onto his lap. wrapping her lanky arms around his neck as she bent down and kissed him.

James stared at her breasts that were covered with just a bit of fabric since she was wearing a red lingerie. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath. "Angel, not tonight." He mumbled.

Cassia frowned and nodded her head. "Okay.." she stood up and walked away. "Do you wanna go to that party or no?" She turned her head towards him.

James shook his head as a no. "But you can go." He smiled softly at her.

Cassia frowned. "You okay?" She asked quietly.

"I'm fine." He grumbled from his seat and took his tight shirt off. He then took off his jeans and grabbed a pair of black sweats. He laid down in bed and turned the tv on.

Cassia stared at his actions, knowing something was definitely off. "James—"

"Can you just fucking leave?! I want to be alone!" He shouted at her with full anger. "So damn annoying!" He added before he stared at the tv. "I hate you."

Cassia just took off the gorgeous lingerie and grabbed her bra, putting on one of his sweaters and put on her grey sweats. She put on her airforces and shut the door. 

She cried. She felt all negative thoughts come into her head, she felt sad because he told her he hates her. He called her annoying, and one flaw about her was that she did believe that.

She bought ice cream in a cup and walked to towards the ocean. there was a bench right in front the the waves, it was like a bridge and in front was the open ocean with a bench right in front to watch the view with a lamp beside the bench.

As she ate the ice cream she sobbed. She took it to heart a little too much. "Hey princess.." she heard a feminine voice.

Cassia turned around and saw Natasha. "You're Nat right?" She mumbled, wiping her tears.

Nat nodded her head. She smiled as she walked up to her and sat down. "Why're you alone here? Where is James?" She asked. She placed her Louis Vuitton purse on her lap while she stared at Cassia's miserable expression. 

Cassia placed her melted ice cream next to her and wiped her tears. "Can I trust you?"

"Of course, kid." Nat sat closer to Cassia. "So what's on your mind?"

"James called me annoying and told me to leave, he told me he hated me." She dropped her head to her lap and cried.

Nat wrapped her arms around Cassia. "He's pretty aggressive whether he wants to be or not. He's a mentally unstable man, he is a spoiled man. He's always had it so easy, his family was rich and— he had everything he wanted. Course he's gonna be like this. That's one of the main reasons I fell out of love with him."

Cassia pulled away and wiped her tears. "Today we were in a restaurant and he had hair in his food—"

"Gross" Nat gagged.

Cassia nodded her head. "Yeah gross, but what would've you done with that situation?"

"I wouldn't pay for it because I wouldn't eat it." Natasha shrugged, keeping it simple. "Why? What did he do?" She grinned.

"He went to the kitchen and called the guy out and asked him if chemotherapy was the reason his hair was falling out.." cassia sighed. She looked at Natasha with nervousness.

Natasha started laughing, throwing her head back. "Typical James. You're a young girl, why don't you go for my friends Tony Stark's adopted son?" She wraps her arm around Cassia's shoulder.

"What's his name?"

"Peter Parker"

Cassia shrugged. "Daddy issues.." she joked.

Nat looked at Cassia with pity. "I pity you."

Cassia raised her brows. "Why?"

"Because you're not joking. Daddy issues is sad."

Cassia looked towards the ocean and took deep breaths. "It is. I never really saw my father, and I guess that that's what I'm looking for towards with James."

Nat laid her head on Cassia's shoulder. "I love Bucky with all my heart, I want to be with him but if he doesn't then I have nothing to do but to move on."

Natasha smiled. "Bucky?"

"Yeah.. I gave him that nickname." Cassia laughed. She looked up at the stars in the dark sky and saw the one star shining the most. "James gave that star a name."

"What's the name?"


"You guys are ridiculously cute." Nat stood up and swung her purse over her shoulder. "I've gotta go. You should get back home though, it's not safe being around here at night especially when you're a young girl."

"Thanks.. for talking. I thought you were a total bitch."


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