Chapter fourteen.

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Cassia's body jerked up from the voice. "Ikaris?" She walked towards the door and sure enough it was him. "What're you doing here? I haven't seen you in so long."!

Ikaris stares at her and notices her pink cheeks and smudged mascara. "Babe, you been crying? Why?" He laid his hands on her shoulders.

Cassia shrugged. "No reason." She looked up at him and smiled so he wouldn't suspect anything.

"You don't need to lie, Cassia, I see it in your eyes. You're extremely sad."

Cassia wiped her nose and gulped, she looked back up at Ikaris and sighed knowing she won't get out of this till she tells him. "I saw James kiss his ex-"

"Natasha?!" His brows furrowed.

"Yeah.." she sniffled. "I thought he loved me."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know they still had feelings towards each other." He pulled her in for a hug. Cassia sobbed. "They both said some mean things towards each other so I don't understand why they kissed!"

Ikaris shrugged. He cupped her face and kissed her forehead. "It'll get better, love." He smirked before he walked away.

Cassia walked out of the bathroom, covering her face with her hands as she walked past the crowds full of people. "Angel?" She heard James' voice as she walked past him. "Angel, baby.." he walked towards her.

Cassia ran towards the door that revealed stairs, her heels clicking on the stairs as she ran down them. She didn't want to speak to James.

"Cassia!" He ran down the stairs trying to catch up to her.

Track and field really helped her out.

"Cas, Angel, please?!"

She opened the exit door to meet the outside she shut it behind her. She heard James' breathing behind her, she turned her head and saw him staring at her from above.

"Angel..." he cupped her face. "What's wrong?"

"Don't Angel me!" She pushed him away. "I want to do nothing with you. I'm breaking up with you." She yelled at him with tears spilling her eyes, her lips quivering. She felt so much anger towards him. "Can't believe I trusted you!" She pointed to his chest.

"What're you talking about?"

"You and Natasha! You guys full on made out in front of everyone! Embarrassing me, making me look dumb for even thinking we were going to work out!" She screamed. Her face was so red he thought that she was about to faint. "Fucking hate you." She hit his chest multiple times and she cried.

James just stood there and let her hit him knowing that she had every right to scream at him, and hit him. "I'm sorry, Angel."

"Why'd you do it?" She crossed her arms. "Why?"

"I loved her very much and I just—"

"That's not a fucking excuse, James." She walked up closer to him, their height being exactly the same since she wore heels. "That 'I was in love with her' bullshit doesn't fucking work."

James took a step back and stared at her. "I told you to stay away from her. You wanna know exactly what she told me?"


"She told me that she'll kill you if I don't kiss her in front of the audience. She had a fucking gun placed right behind my back, Cassia!"

"Lies. She'd never."

"You don't know Nat like I do, Cas, she is crazy and is capable of killing you and me." He walked closer to cassia.

Cassia shook her head as a no. "but you looked like you enjoyed it, James.. the way your hand was wrapped around her! You liked it." She frowned as she dropped her head to the ground and cried.

Cursed // JAMES BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now