Chapter twenty-five

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Cassia woke up in the car and arrived immediately at James' house she looked over to his side and lightly smiled

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Cassia woke up in the car and arrived immediately at James' house she looked over to his side and lightly smiled. "Thanks.."

"Course, Angel." He smiled at her softly before he got out of his car and walked towards her side. He gently lifted her up in his arms and opened the door, he walked to his oversized couch and laid her down on it. "Wanna order something?" He asked.

Cassia shrugged. "I don't care, I'm not really hungry."

James sighed, he walked up to her and sat down on his table. "C'mon, Angel, you have to eat. After the... miscarriage you should eat." He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Or I'll make you something Hm?" He caressed her cheek.

Cassia started crying, she sobbed as she covered her face with her hands. "Im okay—"

James kneeled down and leaned towards the couch. "Baby, no don't cry.. it's okay.." he hugged her. "Please baby"

Cassia looked at him and cried. "Why would you ever hurt me, James?" She sniffled.

James shrugged. He really didn't have an explanation to give her, he knew he messed up and makes sure he will never repeat it. "I don't know, Cas, I don't have an answer."

"Why? You must have a reason.."

"We can try for another one?" He changed the subject. "Hm?"

Cassia shook her head as a no. "I think im okay for now.." she frowned. "I don't want another at the moment." She closed her eyes.

James nodded his head before he walked to the kitchen and made her a grilled cheese. "Please at least eat this." He mumbled as he placed the plate onto the coffee table. "I love you." He whispered, walking away from her towards his bathroom.

Cassia sat up and took a bite of the grilled cheese, immediately taking another bite right after. She didn't realize how hungry she was. She licked her lips and then stood up slowly to walk towards the kitchen.

James walked towards her and smiled. "I told you, you were hungry.." he kissed her forehead. "I can make you more.."

"Please?" She looked up at him. "I'm starving.."

James cupped her cheeks and leaned his forehead against hers, he stared into her eyes and grinned. "I'll do anything for you my lovely Angel. You should shower hm? Feel refreshed.."

Cassia nodded her head.

"I put some things in the bathroom for you.." he added before he put the cheese into the bread that was on the pan. "So are we seriously not gonna be dating? He asked with his lips in a line as he concentrated on the food.

Cassia nodded her head. "I just need a break, James—"

"Don't explain yourself, I don't deserve your explanation after what I've caused." He looked at her with sorrow. "And I'm seriously sorry, Cas."

Cassia nodded her head. Cassia looked down at the floor and shut her eyes, her throat creating a lump. "I—I just— the fact that our baby is gone.. I know it wasn't developed fully to even call it a baby.. but it was enough to know that we've created the poor child."

James turned off the stove and placed the pan to some where else. He turned his body towards Cassia's and wrapped his arms around her. He rested his chin on her head. "I'm sorry. I am."

Cassia let the tears fall, she couldn't hold it in anymore. "I can't believe it happened."

"We will get another baby, I promise." He kissed her forehead. "I love you."


Cassia laid in James' bed facing him while he was shirtless staring at her with a bright smile. "What would we name our baby?" He asked.

Cassia smiled at him, she bit her lip as she stared at him. "I'd name our baby girl Eden, and our boy would be Levi." She chuckled.

James nodded his head. "That's cute." He whispered.

Cassia looked at his chain and picked it up with her nimble hands. "Where'd you get this from?" She asked.

James looked down, smiling. "My mom gave it to me." He murmured.

Cassia nodded her head. "Where is she?"

"She lives in Maine."

Cassia nodded her head. She buried her head into the pillow in pain. "These cramps are killing me.."

James frowned. "Sorry.." he scooted closer to Cassia and laid his hand on her hip. "I'm sorry.." he leaned his forehead against hers.

Cassia nodded her head. She knew he was sorry, he kept telling her he was. He even cried when they found out she miscarried. "I know you are." She mumbled.

"I love you, Cassia.."

"I—I love you too James, and a lot."

"That means a lot." He chuckled.

Cassia laid her head on his pillow so that they were closer to each other then before.

Cursed // JAMES BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now