Chapter fifty-three

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Tw: mentions of rape, rape and abuse Please click off of this is a topic that you can't handle well

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Tw: mentions of rape, rape and abuse Please click off of this is a topic that you can't handle well. And I'm sorry if something like that happened to you :(

Cassia and James walked back to their house. The night finally arriving and the biggest part of the day, his truth.

Cassia changed Eden's diaper before feeding her before letting her play. "You love your Mickey Mouse plushie don't you baby?" She squealed.

Eden let out a happy noise. "Oh yes!" Cassia laughed.

James looked at Cassia with sad eyes he knew exactly how this was gonna end and knew that he may lose everything after the conversation.

James sat on the floor right beside the couch where Eden was laying on kicking her feet, and chewing on the Mickey.

James pressed his lips against her temple and whispered a soft "I love you". He looked up at Cassia and smiled at her. "I love you." He nodded his head as he stared at Cassia.

Cassia cupped his cheeks and pressed her lips against his, brushing her tongue on his upper lip. "I love you."

James chuckled. It was pretty noticeable that he was extremely nervous.


Cassia put Eden to sleep. She walks down the stairs and makes her way to the kitchen where James was sitting down on the dining chair with beer in his hands.

"You wanna talk now or?" James asked.

"Yes please.."

"Sit.." James pats the free chair right across him.

Cassia sat down and cleared her throat. She fidgeted with her hands under the table, her jaw ticking out of pure nervousness. "Okay? So..?"

"I was in a gang." James spat, he stared at Cassia. "I killed many, I permanently injured others... I—" he stared at her pained face. "Please Cassia..." he whispered.

Cassia gasped, she shook her head as a no. "Why?" She asked, her tone of voice sounding so breathy and shaken up. "Why the hell would you— you join a gang!" She shouted.

James shrugged. He gulped; staring at the kitchen just to avoid her glare. "Because I—"

"And what else did you do? Why'd you come home beat up if you're not in the gang?" She asked. "James what did you do?!" She banged her hands on the table as she yelled at him. "What the fuck did you do?!"

James' eyes exposed him. Tears started streaming down his face. "I uh..."

"James don't fucking stop talking." She fixed her hair since it was messy.

"I raped a woman.."

Cassia abruptly stood up; the chair making a screeching noise. She paced around the kitchen and breathed heavily. "When?" She asked.

Cursed // JAMES BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now