Chapter thirty-six

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TW: ED (eating disorder) and violence

Cassia walked through the doors of her house and frowned

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Cassia walked through the doors of her house and frowned. She missed the girl she was, the tidy one. The one who never would've touched any drug.

Cassia walked upstairs to her room and walked towards her closet. She opened it and saw all of her clothes untouched. "Damn.." she grabbed her white twist front cut out hem dress.

"Goddammit!" She cried. Everything was too big on her. "Dammit!" She kicked her door.

She walked walked downstairs and opened the door. She decided to go to the Rogers house. She hasn't seen their baby yet.


Cassia walked through the doors, gripping her black purse. She heard voices in the kitchen so she followed, nervous. "Cassia?" Peggy's voice was worried. She ran towards Cassia and hugged her tightly. "Oh Cassia, I've missed you so much. I was so worried for you."

Cassia wrapped her lanky arms around Peggy. "I'm sorry." She looked down at the floor.

"It's okay, I'm glad you're here." Peggy chuckled. "Come sit."

Cassia looked ahead of her and saw the one person she wasn't ready to see. "James.." she whispered, tears prickling her eyes. She looked away.

James swallowed his food and stood up. "Cassia?!" He walked towards her in a rush, he grabbed her hands and stared at her. She looked horrible and he knew it. "What happened to you?"

Cassia glared at James. "You happened, James." She growled in anger. "This all happened because of your lies!" She hit her body, tugging at the loose dress. "This is all your fucking fault, James!"

James hugged Cassia. "I love you no matter what." He kissed her forehead. "You're beautiful, skinny, fat, or in the middle. You are perfect, okay? There is no such thing as needing to be a specific size in order to be beautiful." He smiled softly at her.

"Quit the bullshit, James!" Cassia pushed him away.

"Cassia please.. we can go through this together?"

"Daddy! Daddy!" Billy shouted, running towards James. "Woah, you're like a skeleton!" Billy giggled.

Cassia looked anywhere but Billy, clenching her jaw. "I'm gonna go."

James kneeled down and wrapped his hands around Billy's small arms. "Billy, you can't say these things to people. Never make a comment about someones appearance no matter what your intention is because sometimes the other person doesn't get the message you're trying to deliver." He smiled at Billy, ruffling his hair. "I love you buddy."

"Should I say sorry?" Billy asked, suddenly feeling sorry for Cassia.

"That would be great, bud." James lightly patted Billy's shoulder. "Be nice."

Cursed // JAMES BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now