Chapter sixty-one

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Cassia Lavigne

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Cassia Lavigne

The doorbell rings so I quickly walk up to it and open the door to reveal Morgan, Tony and Pepper.

"Hi!!" I shout. "Come in—"

"It's my cottage still" Tony rolls his eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever" I laugh.

We walk towards the living room and notice Eden walking towards Peter. "Dada!!" She giggled. Peter picked her up and turned her around.

Steve walks up with Jasper in his arms, he looks down at me and smiles. "How are you?" He asks.

I shrug. "He called me today.. I completely lost it on him."

Steve laughs, he shakes his head. "Why? What did he say?"

"He told me he loved me, and wishes that he could take it all back and start over, basically saying that he was sorry... but how is a sorry going to fix the trauma he put me into? He did it and he should've thought about all of this before he even done something stupid. And I'm most definitely not okay with him after he kidnapped his own daughter, how am I supposed to trust him around her now?" I ask as we walk towards the large backyard.

"You're completely right. He was proud that he did it to you and to the other women, and I immediately stopped the friendship then and there because I don't and didn't want to be associated with a person like that." 

"He should be in jail."

"You can make sure of it, Cassia. He deserves it."

"I just—I'm not that ready to open up about this to people like cops.." I scratch my arms.

"I'll be there for you.." he smiles as he rubs my back. "Where's the birthday girl?"

I point over at Peter playing with her with the play doh he bought her. "She's right there" i laugh.

She sat on the large wooden table with Peter sitting on the bench as he showed her ways to play with it, and made sure she didn't stick it in her mouth.

"No baby, you can't do that! You'll get sick, you okay but you don't eat! You've got mommy for eating."

I hear him say lightly from afar.

"So he's your—"

"Yeah he is, and I couldn't be more thankful for him and for everything he's done for me." I bite my lip. "He's just perfect for me."

"Just don't get too attached until you guys get married." Steve suggests before walking off to Eden and Peter.

I notice my grandma, Eleanor walking to the backyard with two full bags of god knows what. Her pink glasses hanging on her nose as she walked.

"Grandma!" I yell as I run towards her and hug her tightly. "I've missed you so much!" I smile.

"I'm here!" She dropped the two bags onto the wooden patio floor.

Cursed // JAMES BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now