Chapter fifteen.

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Whining out into the humid air as James pumped his finger in and out of her while he sucked on her sensitive clit. "Oh, James— this is so good!" She arches her back off the bed, wrapped her hands around his hand and tugged on the ends of his hair.

James grunts into her pussy, pushing his face even more onto her to add more pressure. "Hmm feels so good" she cried out in pleasure. Her rapid breathing made her ribs prominent.

Her plump lips separated from each other, letting out whines and whimpers from the mind blowing pleasure.

She started grinding her pussy against his face, her clit hitting the tip of his nose. "Fuck, fuck! I'm coming!" She moans loudly. The knot in her stomach tightening. "Fuck!"

James curls his finger faster if it was even possible. "Take that, babe" he moaned. His other hand pumping his cock rapidly. "Fuck"

Cassia's body jerked, the knot in her stomach releasing. "Fuck!!" she cried loudly. "Fuck, fuck!!" She pushed him away out of reflex and squeezed her thighs together.

James' head fall down onto her thigh as he feels his cum on his hand. "That was a little too good" he breathed out.

Cassia sat up and fixed her or his white button up and fixed her white lacy bra so she wouldn't show any nipple. "I need to pee." She stood up.


"Bacteria from your hands." She shrugged. "Given the fact you didn't wash them before you decided to finger me" she teased as she swayed her hips on purpose while she strolled towards the large door that lead to his bathroom. "I don't want a uti, babe"

James chuckled, nodding his head as he zipped his pants back up. "I get it now!" He walked into the bathroom and leaned down, wrapping his hand around her neck as he gently pressed his lips onto her soft ones.

Cassia sat on the toilet, finding the situation a little funny. She smiled into the kiss before she pulled away. "Why'd you kiss me while I peed?"

"I dunno.." he shrugs

"That's a little gross"

"I love you, and I eat your pussy almost every night. I don't think that me kissing you while you piss is worse."

Cassia gasps, her hand on her chest in drama. "Oh my god! Did you just admit that it's gross when you eat me out?!"

James laughed, his head tilting back as he hit the door. "Well given the fact that you let out waste from there?! From both places?" He raised his brow. "You see my point?" He smirks.

"I wipe myself! I literally don't even wipe when I shit! I wash my ass with water because it's more hygienic..."

"You're a little..... offended are you?!"

Cassia shakes her head as a yes. "Yeah because you implied that I'm dirty.."

"You're not dirty, your hygiene is very good. It's just you know throughout the day—"

Cassia wiped herself before she stands up and pulls the white lace panties up her thighs.

"See what I mean!" He pointed at Cassia.

Cassia laughed at him. She walked up towards him leaning into his ear. "Your point is still wrong, babe"

"How so?"

"I shower every night before we do anything." She chuckled before she walked out of the room.

James shut his eyes, his jaw clenching as he was outsmarted by her. She was being a brat to him. "What a little brat.." he mumbled to himself.

Cursed // JAMES BARNES FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now