Chapter 6: When everything was perfect... trouble arrived

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A/N: Hey guys! I got one comment, and it helped me get a few ideas of what I should do. Thanks for the votes, I hope you guys are enjoying the story! 

There goes chapter 6! Enjoy! :)


Chapter 6: When Everything Was Perfect...Trouble Arrived

Caroline's POV

                It's been a week since the event with Wes. We have been getting along, but nothing more than a few kissed; though he said that tonight he had something he wanted to talk about, so he invited me for dinner. He's taking me to a restaurant; I wonder what he's going to say.

                I hope he does what I think he will do. If he does I will be the happiest girl alive! I talked to Brooke over the phone and she already told me some ideas of what I should wear. I'm scared of what he will think, he's Wes though, how can I be nervous around someone I have known for so long?

Wesley's POV

                Tonight is the big night. It's time for me to ask her, it's about time I tell her how I really feel. She drives me crazy, I can't deny that, but I think we should either end it here, or take one step forward, I don't want to be her fuck buddy, or just "friends with benefits", and I know she isn't a slut, so she probably will accept my request.

                I'm taking her to a restaurant near the beach, and then I'll take her for a walk on the beach. It's going to be perfect....hopefully.

                Okay Wes, time's coming.

                We are driving down to the restaurant, she looks beautiful. I can't believe that there's a chance of her being my girlfriend...I hope she says yes. I'll be the happiest man alive!

                "So Wes, where exactly are you taking me?" She asked. I loved her voice. Just hearing her voice makes me smile.

                "We're just gonna eat something, then I thought we could take a walk on the beach. What do you think?" I asked her.

                "Sounds good." After that a comfortable silence filled the air.

                We got to the restaurant and talked for a bit; once we were done we went down to the beach and walked barefoot on the sand in silence. I turned to look at her and I smiled. I realized I have been doing that a lot since she came to stay over at our house. I like the feeling of it, I guess it's happiness. But things can't go on like this.

                I stopped walking ad she turned to me, I think that was worry in her eyes. I looked into her eyes and kissed her more passionately than I usually do. When we broke apart we were both out of breath, "I have to ask you something, Caroline." I said.

                "Yeah, anything, Wes."

                "We either end this whole 'friends with benefits' thing and just go back to how things were, or you can become my girlfriend." I said. I was worries about what she would say.

                She kissed me. It was a really good kiss, "Does that answer your question, Stromberg?" She asked smiling.

                My smile was even bigger. I can't believe this, "Okay, so we are officially dating." I said smiling.

                "I guess we are." She smiled back at me. I was about to kiss her but she threw water in my face and ran. I chased after her, she was fast, but I was faster. I grabbed onto her waist and spun her around. We were both laughing. I put her down, and we stared into each other's eyes. And then I heard that voice, "Oh my God! Wes? Is that you?" I froze.


A/N: So, any guesses of who it could be? Please leave your ideas! I like comments :)  Also vote, and fan :)  

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